Young Lincoln Worked the Farm, Had Little Schooling
At Knob Creek, the Lincolns lived in a one-room cabin with a dirt floor, much like the one where Abraham was born roughly nine miles away near Hodgenville. Steep, heavily wooded hills rose on each side of the home. On the leased, 30-acre farm, Lincoln’s father planted corn and pumpkins on wide fields with rich soil.
In front of the Lincolns’ door, on the road from Louisville to Nashville, the world passed: pioneers with heavily laden wagons, peddlers, local politicians, slaves, missionaries and soldiers returning from the War of 1812.
Stern and often domineering, Thomas Lincoln put his son to work before he turned 7. Abraham filled the wood box, brought water from the creek, weeded the garden, gathered grapes for wine and jelly, picked persimmons for beer making and planted pumpkin seeds.
At the creek, where he often played with his sister, Lincoln may have nearly drowned.
While walking across a log that spanned the rain-swollen tributary, Abraham fell in, the story goes. A playmate said he used a sycamore limb to pull Lincoln from the deep, raging waters. Whether the account—widely publicized in the late 19th century—is accurate remains unknown. What’s certain is that another child’s death would have crushed the Lincolns, whose infant son Thomas died on the farm in 1812.
Eager to learn, Abraham found few opportunities for schooling in rural Kentucky; instead, he and his sister sporadically attended ABC schools—so-called “blab" schools in which students repeated their teacher’s oral lessons aloud. Usually barefoot, Lincoln walked to the one-room schoolhouse, “a little log room about 15 feet square, with a fireplace at one side.”
Lincoln’s Family Moved to Indiana in 1816
In the winter of 1816, when Abraham was 7, the Lincolns moved to a settlement at Little Pigeon Creek in southern Indiana. Because winter harvest was complete, the family lived off wild game, corn and pork bartered from settlers. “It was a wild region,” Lincoln recalled, “with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods.”
Two years later, Nancy Lincoln died in the remote wilderness—the first of Lincoln’s many family tragedies. An introspective, generous-hearted woman, Nancy apparently consumed milk tainted when cows ate poisonous white snakeroot. (Some believed the cause of death was tuberculosis.) She was 34.
After Nancy’s death, domestic duties at the family’s one-room cabin fell to 11-year-old Sarah. “[L]ittle Abe and his sister Sarah began a dreary life—indeed, one more cheerless and less inviting seldom falls to the lot of any child,” wrote William Herndon, Lincoln’s later law partner and biographer.
Through a dismal winter, the motherless children and their 19-year-old orphan cousin lived in a log cabin without a floor, largely unprotected from severe weather. In a little more than a year, however, their family circumstances changed dramatically.
Lincoln’s Stepmother Offered Love and Support