In the eyes of the government, that could not be tolerated. In late 1894, Williams arrested 19 of the hostiles. They were taken first to Fort Defiance in Arizona, then to Alcatraz Island in California—approximately 1,000 miles away.
At the time, Alcatraz was a military prison. (It became a federal penitentiary in 1934.) Conditions there were primitive and harsh, with poor sanitation and ventilation and considerable fire risk. For the government, and the white public, this was seen as what the Hopi men deserved for their defiance. Local papers wrote about the men in articles filled with racial slurs, decrying them as “crafty redskins” and painting them as murderers.
“They have not hardship aside from the fact that they have been rudely snatched from the bosom of their families,” wrote the San Francisco Call in February 1895. “[They] are prisoners and prisoners they shall stay until they have learned to appreciate the advantage of education.”
But though the press depicted the men’s days as leisurely and their conditions as hotel-like, the reality was anything but. The men were forced into tiny cells and made to spend their days sawing logs. They suffered in an environment far removed from their families and the plains. Two of the incarcerated men’s wives gave birth to children who died while they were imprisoned, and rumors circulated that some of the men had been killed or died while in prison. (It remains unclear how many Hopis died at Alcatraz.)
After a year of imprisonment, the men were released and returned to the Hopi reservation in Arizona. Later, the men said they had been promised their children would not have to go to school. However, that promise was not kept. For years, the government continued forcing the Hopi people to send their children to school and pushing them to divide their land into individual plots.
Though government attempts to force assimilation continued, so did Hopi resistance. Today, few remember the Hopi men who faced harsh imprisonment rather than give their children up to the forces of assimilation and colonialism. But there is an ongoing attempt by the National Park Service, which now oversees the island, and the Hopi community to commemorate their struggles and document their time at Alcatraz.