As 16 cannons sounded another salute, one of Baldwin’s drinking buddies joked that the cannons should be aimed at Adams. Baldwin loudly replied that he “did not care if they fired thro’ his arse!”
The tavern owner, John Burnet, reported Baldwin’s drunken comment to the authorities, and before he knew it Baldwin was charged and convicted for speaking “seditious words.” He was fined $150 (a small fortune today) and jailed until he could pay it.
“This drunk guy was actually jailed for sedition for making a bad joke about the president,” says Terri Halperin, author of The Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798: Testing the Constitution. Baldwin’s case sparked national uproar against the Alien and Sedition Acts, unconstitutional laws that restricted free speech in the name of national security.
War Between England and France Threatens the U.S.
In 1793, England declared war against France, and the young United States desperately wanted to stay out of the conflict. In 1794, the U.S. and England signed the Jay Treaty, which cemented peaceful relations between the nations a decade after the end of the Revolutionary War. This angered the French, who had given the Americans tremendous financial and military support to defeat the British.
When John Adams took office in 1797, he sent a delegation to France to negotiate a treaty, but the three French envoys—referred to in U.S. documents as X, Y and Z—demanded millions of dollars in bribes and loans. The so-called “XYZ Affair” scuttled the chance for peace and led to a series of naval skirmishes known as the Quasi-War with France.
For Adams and the Federalist-controlled Congress, there was tremendous anxiety about how to maintain America’s neutrality as Europe descended into war. There were legitimate fears that British or French operatives, working with state officials, could divide the new nation into warring confederations of states loyal to different European powers.
“The question is how best to protect Americans from the chaos that’s happening in Europe and potentially compromising or destroying their own independence,” says Halperin.
Alien and Sedition Acts Target Foreign Spies and Political Critics
In the 1790s, roughly 10 percent of the population of Philadelphia was French. In the chaos following the French Revolution, many French emigres settled in the new American republic, where foreigners could become citizens after just five years of residency.
“In Philadelphia, you could go to a French dancing school, get your hair done at a French hairdresser or drop into a French bookshop,” says Halperin. “And so there’s a question, if the Quasi-War with France expanded from a naval conflict to a land war, which side would people be on?”
Adams and the Federalists had good reason to believe that French spies—as well as British and Spanish operatives—were busy collecting intelligence inside the U.S. and striking secret alliances with American officials.
“You have very porous and unsecured borders in the Western United States,” says Halperin, “and there are any number of conspiracies and plots by the English, the Spanish and the French to sort of lop off the Western part of the United States and make it their own.”
Adams prepared for all-out war with France by levying taxes to build more naval ships and buy more guns for the army. But Adams also needed a way to protect the nation against what he perceived as domestic threats, namely foreign spies and their American conspirators.
In the summer of 1798, Adams and the Federalist-controlled Congress passed four laws to protect national security from foreign and domestic threats:
The “Naturalization Act” raised the residency requirement for U.S. citizenship from 5 years to 14 years
The “Alien Friends Act” empowered the president to deport any non-citizen suspected of “treasonable or secret machinations against the government”
The “Alien Enemies Act” said that in time of war, the president had the power to deport all “natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the hostile nation”
The “Sedition Act” made it a federal crime to publish or utter “false, scandalous and malicious… writings against the government of the United States… or to aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United States.”
What Is ‘Seditious Libel’?
A lot of foreign nationals chose “self-deportation” and returned to France and other countries. As for forced deportations by the Federal government, only three official deportation orders were actually signed, says Bird.
The Adams administration kept close watch on a handful of prominent Frenchmen in the U.S. including Georges-Henri-Victor Collot, a mapmaker. Collot was on assignment by the French government to survey the interior of the nation, especially territories around the Mississippi River, in case the U.S. sided with England and war broke out. Deportation orders were prepared for Collot and others, but never signed.
The Adams administration was far less concerned with deporting “aliens” than with prosecuting its American critics—printers, newspaper publishers, even Democratic-Republican congressmen—for “seditious libel.”
“Under English Common Law, ‘seditious libel’ was any criticism of government officials in a way that undermined their authority or affected their reputation,” says Bird. Under the Sedition Act, a jury would determine if libelous statements made against the government were true or false, but since most criticism was opinion, the decision to convict someone of sedition was highly subjective.