Some scholars have argued Caterina was not a peasant at all, but might have been a slave from the Middle East or North Africa. But according to Martin Kemp, emeritus professor of art history at Oxford University, the truth is much more straightforward. In his new book “Mona Lisa: The People and the Painting,” written with the economist and art researcher Giuseppe Pallanti, Kemp identifies Leonardo’s mother as Caterina di Meo Lippi, who in 1451 was an orphaned 15-year-old girl living in a farmhouse a mile from Vinci.
After Caterina’s parents died, she and her 2-year-old brother, Papo, were living with their grandmother in the farmhouse near Vinci. According to Kemp and Pallanti, the grandmother died shortly before 1451, leaving the two children with no obvious source of support apart from their uncle, who lived next door.
By combing property-tax files and other records in Vinci and Florence, Kemp and Pallanti built a strong case for Lippi as Leonardo’s mother. They trace complicated family networks and “a series of recurrent Christian names”—there are lots of Antonios, Pieros, Caterinas and Francescos—and find various places where Lippi’s family overlapped with Piero’s.
After Caterina met San Piero and became pregnant that summer, it became clear that he would not be marrying her. But San Piero’s parents did not hide the birth of their illegitimate grandson, which was a common enough occurrence for wealthy Tuscan families of the time. His grandfather listed the 5-year-old Leonardo on his tax return as a family member in 1458, and it’s likely that San Piero’s family helped provide a dowry for Caterina, so that she could marry a local farmer, Antonio di Piero Buti. She went on to have another son and four daughters.