Bread lines. Hoovervilles. Dust storms. Bank runs. The Great Depression left an indelible impression on the people who lived through it, and imagery of the poverty and social instability it left in its wake still evokes the crisis today.
One of the Depression’s most indelible symbols was the apple seller. Photographs of men hawking apples on street corners have come to represent the lows to which once stable people fell during the economic crisis, which slashed the United States’ gross national product by nearly half and plunged up to 50 percent of the residents of some communities into unemployment.
But apple sales weren’t a spontaneous response to the misery of the Great Depression—they were an organized attempt to get unemployed men back to work. Here’s how a surplus and a bright idea led to one of the Depression’s most memorable symbols:
Combination of Hits Cause Great Depression
The stock market crash of October 1929 shocked the United States, but at first, it seemed like the country might recover. That was anything but true: A combination of deflation, Midwestern drought and public doubt about the economy sent the country into a financial freefall.
Businesses felt the effects of the spiral, but its most devastating effects were felt in family homes. Unemployment spiked and families suddenly had to get by on little or no income.
Inside the home, many men struggled with their inability to support their families. Sociologists who studied the impacts of economic instability and unemployment documented men who were no longer able to claim the role of breadwinner. Many “felt humiliated and ashamed by unemployment,” writes historian Olaf Stieglitz. “The dominant middle-class ethos of breadwinning and self-reliance weighed heavily on these men…Feeling emasculated, many men blamed themselves for their difficulties.”
But during the Depression, finding a new job wasn’t as easy as sending out a resume. With so many men unemployed—and unwilling to perform tasks traditionally coded as feminine—competition for the few jobs that existed was fierce. People tried to come up with creative ways to make ends meet, but the situation was dire for people who could no longer afford shelter or food due to unemployment.
A $10,000 surplus led to a creative opportunity for unemployed men
The Depression also presented some perplexing challenges to businesses, which had to grapple with consumers who had little or nothing to spend. In 1929, the apple industry faced a quandary when the apple industry produced a massive bumper crop. How could they move their product and keep apples relevant to Americans who had little money for food?
Joseph Sicker, chairman of the International Apple Shippers’ Association, had an idea: Why not use the apples to help unemployed men? He worked with members of the produce industry to fund the purchase of $10,000 worth of surplus apples to sell to unemployed men.
The business model was simple: Men would buy the apples from the apple industry for a reduced price, then sell them at a profit. Sicker gave boxes of apples to unemployed men in New York and other cities. They’d sell them for as much as they could, then pay back $1.75 per box at the end of the day.
The apple-selling scheme had several benefits: It helped the apple industry move surplus produce that might never get purchased otherwise, and it helped men earn some money. But more than that, it gave men a small sense of pride. By selling apples instead of begging, the unemployed men still seemed to be in charge of their own destinies.