The passing of the 14th and 15th amendments gave African Americans some hope for the future. Ratified in 1868, the 14th Amendment granted citizenship and “equal protection of the laws” to Black people, while the 15th Amendment, ratified in 1870, barred states from depriving citizens the right to vote based on race. In the end, the South rescinded the black codes, but the repeal of these restrictions didn’t significantly improve life for African Americans.
“With the passage of the 14th and 15th amendments, there was a shift over to Jim Crow laws, which were kind of a perpetuation of the black codes,” says Connie Hassett-Walker, an assistant professor of justice studies and sociology at Norwich University in Vermont. “You don’t just flip the switch and all that structural discrimination and hatred just turns off. It kept going.”
And Black Americans weren’t “separate but equal,” as the states enforcing Jim Crow laws claimed. Instead, their communities had fewer resources than white communities, and white supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan terrorized them.
The Ku Klux Klan and Lynchings Terrorize Black Americans
“You start to see the rise of lynching, and lynchings were really about the message sent to the living people,” Hassett-Walker says. “It might have been about punishing that individual person, but it was done to keep the other people in line, to say, ‘See, this could happen to you.’”
Simply exercising one’s right to vote could lead to a visit from the Klan, and employment options for Black Americans remained limited. They largely worked as sharecroppers, which entailed working the land of others (typically white people) for a fraction of the worth of any crops grown.
To say that sharecropping paid poorly would be an understatement, and impoverished African Americans racked up debts in shops that charged them high interest rates on the supplies they needed as tenant farmers.
Those who couldn’t pay their debts risked incarceration or forced labor, much like they faced during the black codes. The debt peonage system robbed them of income and locked them into servitude once again. Additionally, the police imprisoned them for minor offenses that whites weren’t jailed for in equal numbers, if at all. In prison, Black Americans—men, women and children—provided free labor.
The black codes may have been repealed, but African Americans continued to face a series of regulations that reduced them to second-class citizens well into the 20th century. It would take the activism of civil rights leaders, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, to see this legislation overturned.