Martha Gadley’s marriage was a nightmare. When her husband drank, he turned increasingly violent. One night, he used an ax to chop a hole in the floor and threatened to push her into the room below. He refused to bring her water when she was sick. When she left the house, he nailed up the entrance and put padlocks on the door.
Martha had had enough. She decided to file for divorce—a gutsy move for an illiterate Black woman. But it was 1875, and the law cared little about domestic violence. Her petition was turned down and her case dismissed. So she took the unusual move of taking her divorce to a higher court—and found a champion in an equally unusual attorney, Charlotte E. Ray.
Ray wasn’t just any lawyer. She was one of just a handful of women who practiced law in the United States. She wasn’t just one of the first female lawyers, either: She is thought to be the country’s first Black woman lawyer. In a vividly worded petition, Ray took Martha’s plea to the District of Columbia Supreme Court, and managed to score a rare victory on Martha’s behalf.
Though little is known about Charlotte E. Ray’s life, what historians do know is peppered with the same kind of courage. During the 19th century, women were largely barred from the legal profession. They were forbidden from obtaining licenses to practice law in many areas and couldn’t join the professional associations that would allow them to advance in their careers. As historian Susan Erlich Martin notes, law was controlled by white men who kept women and people of color from studying law, practicing it and finding jobs within the profession.
That didn’t stop pioneering women from trying to break in anyway. These groundbreaking women challenged precedent by showing that they were capable of learning and practicing law. That presented another hurdle: Few women had access to a university education and many colleges with law schools overtly forbade women from entering.
For Charlotte Ray, who was raised in a progressive family, education was the key to her dream of becoming a lawyer. Her father, Charles Bennett Ray, was a prominent abolitionist and clergyman who edited The Colored American, one of the first newspapers published by and for African-Americans. Charles knew the value of education and enrolled his daughter in the Institution for the Education of Colored Youth, one of the only schools that would teach young Black women. Though the school taught domestic skills, it was also focused on training teachers and Charlotte went on to enroll in Howard University as a teacher trainee.