“A man is crazy who writes a secret unless he conceals it from the crowd,” wrote 13th-century philosopher Roger Bacon. Since ancient times, politicians, military leaders and even lovers have used ciphers to encrypt confidential messages. “The purpose of using codes and ciphers has largely remained the same over the centuries,” says Mark Frary, author of The Story of Codes: “to communicate messages in such a way that enemies cannot read them.”
“Messengers in Ancient Greece had messages tattooed on their shaved heads before their hair grew back. A slow method, but with the same intention as messages encrypted using Germany’s infamous Enigma machines,” Frary says. “Businessmen using the telegraph in its early days often used codes to hide details of pricing and orders. Today, financial transactions over the internet are kept secret using encryption.” Historical figures from Julius Caesar to Thomas Jefferson used ciphers, and some systems—like the Masonic Cipher—have been in use for hundreds of years. Here are eight legendary ciphers that changed the world.