In New York, for example, candidates and their supporters rented out taverns and held huge, boozy parties. Often, candidates would take care of transportation, too—and the trips toward the polling place often took on the trappings of a rowdy parade complete with brawls, taunts and delighted onlookers.
The parades were impromptu affairs that reflected the nature of colonial life. Colonial assembly elections brought men from near and far, but also attracted family members, who traveled with them to the colonial capital to see the festivities. As they moved, the parades became jocular and increasingly spirited affairs that were egged on by onlookers eager to greet their far-flung friends, get the latest news and watch the election itself.
As voters moved toward the election green in New York City in 1768, writes historian Nicholas Varga, candidates and their supporters “coaxed and bullied each voter as he strode to the poll." All this cheering and shouting seemed to add to the festive occasion. After the vote, the celebrations kept on going. “It was customary for everyone present to adjourn to the nearest tavern where the winning candidate was expected to treat all the electors (regardless of how they had voted) to more drink and food,” he writes.
Elections were so festive that they even called for special food. Election cake—a massive loaf of sweet bread with raisins, figs and spices—was common throughout the colonies from the 1660s on. The delicacy eventually became particularly associated with Hartford, where town representatives provided it to voters who came to the colonial capital from afar.
Black Colonists Held Their Own Election Festivals
Though Black colonists were not allowed to vote, they participated in elections, too. “Negro Election Day,” a festival common in New England from the mid-18th century through the mid-19th century. Though the festival took on different forms in different places, writes historian Shane White, it was a “distinctly African American festival” that incorporated African traditions like ring dances. In Boston, for example, free and enslaved Black people “congregated on the common, drinking, gambling, dancing, and generally enjoying themselves without interference from whites.”
In some places, notes historian Douglas R. Egerton, the day included the election of “a black administrator, who then appointed a lieutenant governor, justices of the peace, and sheriffs.” Those officials often served as a liaison between Black and white communities.
Elections weren’t always as festive: Occasionally, they became dangerous. In 1742, for example, a scuffle in Philadelphia escalated into an outright riot. Quaker politicians had long dominated the city’s political scene, but a growing group of Anglican politicians threatened their dominance in city government. Amidst rumors that the Quakers had recruited unnaturalized Germans to vote for them, a group of rowdy, pro-Anglican sailors descended on the courthouse. Violence ensued, and the fiasco became known as the city’s “Bloody Election.” (The Quakers prevailed.)
Higher Voter Turnout, Limited Voter Pools