WATCH VIDEO: Early Demonstration of Solar Power
Department of Energy Is Created
In an April 1977 speech, new President Jimmy Carter proposed the creation of the Department of Energy, one of several policy changes he announced aimed at dealing with the challenge of a vastly changed energy landscape.
“The energy crisis has not yet overwhelmed us, but it will if we do not act quickly,” the Democratic president said in an address to the nation “… Both consumers and producers need policies they can count on so they can plan ahead. This is one reason I am working with the Congress to create a new Department of Energy, to replace more than 50 different agencies that now have some control over energy.”
Later that year, Carter signed into law the Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977. The new agency put federal energy programs under one roof, and “provided the framework for a comprehensive and balanced national energy plan,” as the department noted in an online history.
Tech Advances for Energy-Saving Windows
In the 1970s, the Energy Department funded research to create low-emissivity window coatings, which are now found on many clear glass buildings. The "low-E” coatings were a direct response to the energy crisis.
The Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, a Department of Energy Office of Science national laboratory managed by the University of California, collaborated with the window industry to come up with energy-efficient windows. The new coatings proved effective in preventing indoor temperatures from overheating in the summer and holding heat in during the winter.
More than half of window sales in the commercial market and 80 percent of sales in the residential market incorporate low-E coatings, according to the Energy Department, which says the technology can reduce energy use by as much as 40 percent.
A physicist named Steve Selkowitz was instrumental in making this happen.
“The concept and some of the materials and patents were already out there,” Selkowitz said. “But the theory had to be turned into practice—moving from a good idea to viable products and production processes that could be deployed at scale to save large amounts of energy at affordable costs.”
There have been a host of other improvements in technology for everyday use, such as advances in energy-efficient lamps and light bulbs.
Lowered Thermostats, White House Solar Panels