Anxiety Shifts from Poisoned Medicine to Poisoned Candy
The public’s response to the Tylenol murders was “abject fear,” says Woolf, whose book, History of Modern Toxicology, includes a chapter on the 1982 poisonings.
And since the murders happened so close to Halloween, people immediately transferred their anxiety about tainted over-the-counter drugs to longstanding fears about tainted Halloween candy.
“Almost immediately there are stories of people heating pennies in a skillet and dumping the red-hot coins into the outstretched hands of trick-or-treaters,” says Best.
Reports of Halloween sadism really took off in the late 1960s and early 1970s when the public’s anxieties ran deep over the Vietnam War, the counterculture movement, and new terms like “child abuse.”
In 1970, The New York Times ran a story warning about razor blades in apples, chocolate bars replaced with laxatives and candy packets containing sleeping pills. The article quoted the New York State Health Commissioner, who claimed that pins, razor blades, broken glass and poison had all been found in Halloween candy.
When asked why someone would poison a child’s Halloween candy, a psychiatrist named Dr. Reginald Steen blamed “the permissiveness in today's society,” which resulted in “people getting away with more and more violence. The people who give harmful treats to children see criminals and students in campus riots getting away with things, so they think they can get away with it, too.”
Almost All Reports of Halloween Sadism Are Hoaxes
In 1985, Best published a research paper that investigated all known claims of Halloween sadism since 1958 and came to a surprising conclusion. In Best’s words, he was “unable to find a substantiated report of a child being killed or seriously injured by a contaminated treat picked up in the course of trick-or-treating.”
Every report of a razor blade or pin or ant poison found in Halloween candy turned out to be a hoax perpetrated by kids or adults. And the few tragic cases where a child died on or around Halloween, and were widely attributed to tainted candy, were confirmed by medical records to be the result of heart defects, infections and other explainable illnesses.
The only confirmed report of a child being poisoned and killed by a piece of Halloween candy was the unfortunate case of Timothy O'Bryan, an 8-year-old from Texas who died after eating Halloween candy laced with cyanide. The murderer wasn’t a creepy neighbor, but sadly Timothy’s own father, who killed the boy in order to cash in on an insurance policy. The father was convicted and given the death penalty.
Back in 1982, Though, the Fear Felt Very Real
“When the Tylenol story broke at the beginning of October, people almost instantly started relating the poisonings to the dangers of kids going trick-or-treating and being given contaminated stuff,” says Best.
The Halloween fears were the strongest in Chicago, where the community was still reeling from the murders and no arrests had been made. Bob Greene, a columnist for the Chicago Tribune, wrote: "If you are a parent, and you have any sense, you will forbid your child from going out trick-or-treating this Halloween… in this year of the Tylenol killer it would be especially foolish to let a boy or girl go door-to-door asking for food."
The mayor of Chicago distributed 1 million leaflets encouraging Chicagoans to hand out money or small toys instead of candy on Halloween. In a suburban Chicago subdivision called Poplar Hills, the homeowners association asked residents to hand out coupons for candy that could be redeemed at nearby stores.
According to Best, who tracks reports of Halloween sadism going back to 1958, there were 12 reported cases of Halloween candy contamination in 1982, second only to 1971, when there were 14 such reports. As Best is quick to emphasize, though, a “report” of Halloween sadism is not the same as an actual occurrence.
Despite a 40-year ongoing investigation by the FBI and other law enforcement, the perpetrator of the Tylenol murders has never been found.