According to the Mardi Gras New Orleans, Mardi Gras celebrations were common in the city by the 1730s, although the first recorded Mardi Gras parade didn’t float through the New Orlean’s streets until 1857. Meanwhile, Alabama news site reports that the Boeuf Gras Society, a mystic society started in Mobile in 1710, kicked off a 1711 parade down Dauphin Street with a giant bull’s head on wheels (the fatted bull was used in ancient Carnival celebrations in France).
Early celebrations in Mobile were also tied to New Years until 1866, rather than the lenten season, when they were moved to Fat Tuesday.
“In 1830, cotton factor Michael Krafft and a group of revelers paraded through the streets of the city, carrying cowbells and rakes,” she says. “This celebration marked the foundation of the Cowbellion de Rakin Society, the nation's first mystic society. The society continued its annual parades on New Year’s Eve, and by 1837, the group was throwing small gifts to the crowds.”
Over the years, the Cowbellions ceased to exist, and, Walton adds, until the Civil War, mystic societies continued to hold their celebrations on New Year’s Eve. “These parties stopped during and immediately after the Civil War, until Joe Cain, dressed as the fictional Chief Slacabamorinico paraded by himself through the streets on Mardi Gras day in 1868. Incidentally, his observation of Mardi Gras in New Orleans had inspired him.”