Florence Harding (1860-1924) was an American first lady (1921-23) and the wife of Warren G. Harding, 29th president of the United States. Energetic, strong-willed and popular, she was an important influence on her husband’s business and political careers.
Florence Mabel Kling had a markedly different pedigree from many of the women who preceded her in the White House. The first child of self-made entrepreneur Amos Kling in Marion, Ohio, she acquired such business skills as accounting and bookkeeping while helping in her father’s hardware store. Athletic and strong, she was adept at handling horses, and rode hers to the family’s outlying properties to collect rent. Florence also learned more traditional household skills, and was considered talented enough at piano to attend the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music as a teenager.
Florence eloped at age 19 with boyfriend Henry Atherton DeWolfe, with whom she had her only child. After their separation, she gave custody of her young son to her father and supported herself by teaching piano, with Harding’s younger sister among her students. Then the owner of an Ohio newspaper, The Marion Star, the future president was popular among local women for his dashing good looks, and the older, strong-willed Florence captured his fancy. However, Amos Kling opposed Harding’s politics, and he refused to speak to his daughter and son-in-law for several years following their wedding on July 8, 1891.
Florence’s training fueled the Hardings’ financial and personal success after their marriage. Taking over as business manager of The Star, she purchased new equipment, created a circulation department and subscribed to a wire service. She also chipped in with editorial decisions and hired Jane Dixon, the first female reporter in Ohio. Her managerial skills translated well to the political arena, as she oversaw her husband’s finances and social calendar through his rise from Ohio state senator to lieutenant governor to U.S. senator in the early 1900s.