Ford Cites FDR's Response to Great Depression
Ford introduced his plan in an October 8, 1974 speech by quoting a prominent Democratic president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, during the Great Depression: “The people of the United States have not failed. They want direct, vigorous action, and they have asked for discipline and direction under our leadership.”
“Today,” Ford said, “though our economic difficulties do not approach the emergency of 1933, the message from the American people is exactly the same.”
The new president inherited a problem that had festered since the 1960s, which his predecessors tried to contain too. President Lyndon B. Johnson, in a practice called “jawboning,” pressured companies to avoid raising prices and labor unions to limit their demands for higher wages. His successor, Nixon, attempted to tame inflation with wage and price controls in the early 1970s, but by 1974 it would soar to 12 percent.
Near the end of his speech, Ford looked down at a red and white button on his suit that said “WIN,” and called it a “symbol of this new mobilization which I am wearing on my lapel. It bears the single word, ‘WIN.’ I think that tells it all.”
Ford’s plan included a personal plea to Americans to combat inflation. He and his wife Betty Ford then signed a pledge to do their part to personally fight inflation. The pledge said they would "buy, when possible, only those products and services priced at or below present levels."
“Our inflation,” he added, “our Public Enemy No. 1, will, unless whipped, destroy our country, our homes, our liberty, our property and finally our national pride as surely as any well‐armed wartime enemy.”
Pitfalls of the Plan
Key policymakers in the Ford administration had doubts from the start. Alan Greenspan, who went on to become Fed chair, was chairman of Ford’s Council of Economic Advisers, and he was aghast at the program. In his book, The Age of Turbulence, Greenspan recalled attending a White House meeting about it:
“The speechwriters had ordered up millions of Whip Inflation Now buttons, samples of which they handed out to us in the room. It was surreal. I was the only economist present, and I said to myself, 'This is unbelievable stupidity. What am I doing here?'”
He said he told them, “You can’t ask small business owners to voluntarily forgo price increases. These people operate on thin margins, and they can’t prevent their suppliers from raising prices.” Greenspan said he got them to water down some of the program’s provisions, but WIN went forward, which he called “a low point of economic policymaking.”