At the outset of 1944, Franklin D. Roosevelt was entering his 12th year as president of the United States.
The popular Democratic leader had steered his country through the Great Depression with his groundbreaking New Deal programs and won an unprecedented third term by a margin of some 5 million votes in 1940. Now, as another election year dawned, Roosevelt faced another monumental challenge: defeating Germany and Japan to win World War II, and negotiating with the Soviet Union to construct a lasting post-war peace.
Just as he did so, however, his health was deteriorating. Soon after returning from the Tehran Conference, Roosevelt developed a violent cough, began losing weight and was constantly fatigued. His daughter Anna was concerned enough to press Roosevelt’s personal physician, Dr. Ross McIntire, who arranged for the president to see Dr. Howard G. Bruenn, a cardiologist at Bethesda Medical Naval Hospital, for an examination on March 28, 1944.
According to Bruenn’s medical notes, which he later published, he diagnosed the 62-year-old Roosevelt with reduced lung capacity, hypertension (or high blood pressure), acute bronchitis and—most seriously—acute congestive heart failure.
FDR’s Grim Prognosis
At the time, medications had not yet been developed to manage hypertension, and the only treatment was regulating a patient’s lifestyle. In addition to a course of digitalis, an herbal drug extracted from leaves of the foxglove flower, Bruenn prescribed the president a restricted diet, reduced alcohol and tobacco use and increased rest. That meant that in May 1944—one month before D-Day—the daily schedule of the U.S. president included only four hours of work a day.
Under Bruenn’s regimen, some of Roosevelt’s symptoms improved, but he remained noticeably underweight. In July 1944, Dr. Frank Lahey, head of the Lahey Clinic in Boston, advised McIntire that he believed Roosevelt would not survive another full term in office. Lahey, one of a panel of medical experts who had examined Roosevelt that March after Bruenn’s diagnosis, also recorded his assessment in an unpublished memo, the full text of which would not be made public until more than six decades after Roosevelt’s death.