Soon after moving in, Presley had wrought-iron gates installed. “With their stylized representations of a guitar-strumming Elvis set against a pattern of musical staffs and notes, the gates suggest the entryway to a musical heaven,” according to the Memphis Commerical Appeal.
In 1974, Presley had now-iconic stained-glass peacock panels added to the living room.
Presley added a racquetball building to the estate in 1975 that includes a court, pinball machine and piano, as well as a trophy hall housing memorabilia and awards.
Inspired by President Lyndon Johnson, Presley had three TV sets mounted in his basement television room to watch the three major networks simultaneously.
A basement billiards room features walls draped in 350-plus yards of pleated fabric. "Elvis never lost a game of pool on that table,” Kevin Kern, director of public relations for Elvis Presley Enterprises, told Memphis Magazine. “Everyone knew Elvis had to win."