When it became clear in 1931 that the financial tailspin was not abating, Hoover convinced Congress to accept a moratorium on the payment of international debt and enacted a series of federal policies to stimulate the economy that some historians have referred to as the “Hoover New Deal.” The new Reconstruction Finance Corporation, established in January 1932, lent tax dollars to bail out American banks and businesses. The Emergency Relief and Construction Act, enacted in July 1932, broadened the agency’s lending power to include financing state and local public works projects.
Hoover also approved substantial farm subsidy increases, eased requirements for the issuing of Federal Reserve notes and established the Federal Home Loan Bank Board to support mortgages. In an attempt to pay for the new programs, Hoover signed the Revenue Act of 1932, which doubled the estate tax, hiked corporate tax rates and increased the top personal tax rate from 25 to 63 percent.
Although Roosevelt would oversee a dramatic expansion of the federal government himself, he attacked Hoover during the 1932 presidential campaign for engaging in “reckless and extravagant” spending and ran on a Democratic platform calling for “an immediate and drastic reduction of governmental expenditures” by at least 25 percent. Roosevelt’s running mate, John Nance Garner, went so far as to accuse Hoover of “leading the country down the path of socialism.”
While real federal spending rose by 48 percent during Hoover’s presidency, unemployment also soared from 3 percent to an all-time high of 25 percent. More than 5,000 banks had failed by the time he left office in 1933.
One of Hoover’s actions that had a particularly negative effect on the economy was his signing of the Smoot-Hawley Tariff, which raised prices on thousands of imported goods, against the advice of more than 1,000 economists. “In terms of the economic impact, it had a big shock effect on trade,” Irwin says_._ “It led to retaliation that hit foreign exports and the contraction of both imports and exports. It certainly didn’t cause the Great Depression, but it was a contributing factor.”
“Hoover’s laissez-faire reputation is owed almost entirely to 1930s Democratic campaign rhetoric and New Deal school of historiography,” Whyte says, “both of which were determined to blame Hoover for the Depression and present Franklin Roosevelt as sui generis, entirely distinct from his benighted Republican predecessors, and responsible for all of the meaningful policy innovation that emerged from the Depression.”