If there’s one image of Henry VIII that lives on in the popular imagination it’s of a portly ruler with a bushy red beard, covered in furs and jewels and chowing down on a king-size turkey leg. (If we remember anything else about him, it’s probably that he had six wives and ordered two of their heads chopped off.)
In fact, biographers tell us that Henry was a remarkable athlete in his 16th-century day, adept at archery, jousting, bowling and, especially, wrestling. “In his youth, the King was always game for a wrestling match,” Alison Weir writes in her 2001 biography Henry VIII: The King and His Court, “even though this was not, strictly speaking, a sport for gentlemen.”
Henry’s passion for wrestling would lead to one of the most embarrassing episodes of his career. If, that is, it actually happened; some historians have their doubts.
READ MORE: 8 Things You May Not Know About Henry VIII