The first time Joshua Kaufman met Daniel Gillespie was April 29, 1945, when American liberators marched into the notorious Dachau concentration camp 12 miles outside Munich, Germany and smashed in the prison doors.
Gillespie, a gunner with the 42nd Rainbow Division, was deeply shocked—and emotionally devastated—by what he saw there. Just outside the camp, the Americans found several dozen railroad cars packed with rotting bodies. Inside, they found more bodies and some 30,000 survivors, most emaciated to the point of being skeletal. Many had been transferred to Dachau from other camps as Germans realized that Allied forces were advancing.
When Gillespie and his fellow G.I.s arrived, Joshua Kaufman was cooped in a cattle wagon outside the camp, not knowing if he was going to be killed at any minute.
“Through a little hole in the wall I saw American soldiers coming with their tanks and I saw the Germans running away. To me the American soldiers were a proof that God exists and they were sent down from the sky.”