A crocodile’s jaw crushes down on its victim with 3,700 pounds per square inch of force. That’s more than three-and-a-half times the bite of a lion and 25 times that of a human. Historically, crocodile attacks are 100 times deadlier than shark attacks—and far more frequent—ranging from harrowing individual confrontations to a mass attack on World War II soldiers. Living on five different continents and hunting both in water and on land, crocodiles have inspired fear for millennia. But there have been numerous incidents where, against all odds, humans have defeated these ancient reptiles.
Saltwater crocodiles are giant and deadly—avoid them.
Most attacks occur near or in the water. A saltwater croc can weigh more than 2,000 pounds and launch itself with its tail. “The Dominator,” a famous 20-foot-long crocodile in Australia’s Northern Territory, was known to have leapt up past the railing of a tour boat on the Adelaide River.
During World War II, the Imperial Army learned firsthand how deadly saltwater crocs could be in the Battle of Ramree Island. On January 26, 1945, the Allies launched an attack to retake Ramree from the Japanese. Forced to retreat, some soldiers headed to the mangrove swamps. Either unaware that the waters were infested with crocs, or vastly underestimating their power, British soldier and naturalist Bruce Stanley Wright estimated only 20 of the 1,000 soldiers survived the night. It was possibly the worst crocodile attack in history.
Pro Tip: Swim in areas marked safe for water activities—and even then, keep an eye out. Boaters should avoid leaning over the side of their watercrafts: Crocodiles not only snap at dangling limbs, but they can jump on and capsize small vessels.