The Yankees and Lookouts were to play on April 1, but the game was rained out. Some have speculated a game scheduled for April Fool's Day revealed Engel's true intentions. Four New York newspaper reporters interviewed Mitchell that day about her big-league ambitions.
The next day, 4,000 fans attended the exhibition at Engel Stadium. A Universal film crew documented the event for showing in theaters. Fans didn't have to wait long for Mitchell to face Ruth. To the roar of the crowd, she took the mound as a reliever in the first inning. Ruth tipped his cap to Mitchell, who was composed despite the hoopla. Her first pitch was a ball inside.
Then Ruth swung and missed at two more pitches and took a called third strike. Apparently disgusted, he threw down his bat and stalked to the dugout. "Merely acting," the Chattanooga News described Ruth's "fit."
“The Babe performed his role very ably,” reported the New York Times. “He swung hard at two pitches then demanded that Umpire Owens inspect the ball, just as batters do when utterly baffled by a pitcher’s delivery.” The next batter, Gehrig, went down swinging on three pitches. Mitchell's girlfriends at the game celebrated.
John Kovach, author of Jackie Mitchell: The Girl Who Loved Baseball, believes Mitchell may have simply fooled Gehrig and Ruth with off-speed pitches. "I have coached baseball for 35 years, and when you see a box score and it says you struck out, you struck out," he says. "I am not going to put an asterisk by it."
But Thorn insists it was a PR stunt. "[Gehrig] had a sense of humor, and he would go along with Ruth," he says. "They both liked Engel." If it were indeed an orchestrated stunt, neither Ruth nor Gehrig publicly admitted it. Asked about Mitchell's feat over the years, Engel "always danced around it," Kovach says.
After walking Tony Lazzeri, the Lookouts' manager pulled Mitchell. "Evidently," the Daily Times wrote, "he expected her to whiff them as fast as they came up." The Lookouts lost, 14-4, but Chattanooga fans didn't care. Their "feminine flinger" was the big story.
Jackie Mitchell Aspires to Play In World Series
The next day, the nation's newspapers splashed headlines of Mitchell's feat across their pages. "Babe Turns Chivalrous, Lets Girl Fan Him Out," wrote the Los Angeles Times.
The Chattanooga News mentioned Engel, who died in 1969, in the same vein as P.T. Barnum, the master showman. Of Mitchell, the newspaper wrote: "Whatever may be her abilities on the mound, the female hurler is earning her coffee and cakes all right, by bringing in the publicity."
In 1933, Daily Times reported Mitchell had big-league aspirations and wanted to pitch in a World Series. But the lefthander's baseball career ended in August 1937, after years playing in the Piedmont League and barnstorming, without her getting close to the big leagues. No woman has played in the majors. In the 1930s, Mitchell played on a barnstorming basketball team with Babe Didrikson, perhaps the greatest female athlete of all time.
"She loved baseball," says Kovach of the shy and reserved Mitchell,"...and I think until the day she died she believed she struck Ruth and Gehrig out."