Additionally, Chinese food “wasn’t extremely spicy,” and used familiar ingredients, like onions, garlic and vegetables, which Plaut says made the dishes palatable despite being a departure from what Jewish immigrants would have cooked themselves.
Though Chinese restaurants served Jewish customers throughout the week, they became especially popular on Sundays. “Jews patronizing Chinese restaurants for Sunday lunch and supper ran parallel to after-church meals organized in the homes of church-going Americans,” Plaut writes in A Kosher Christmas: 'Tis the Season to be Jewish. Eating dim sum for Sunday brunch also became a Jewish custom, he notes.
According to Lu, Chinese restaurants embraced and fostered this Jewish tradition since it was good business. “During most of the 20th century, Chinese restaurants were the only stable options on Sundays,” she explains. “Chinese restaurateurs themselves knew about it also, and made it a selling point in their ads posted in the Jewish newspapers. They would say, ‘we offer Sunday chicken [and] steak meals’ or ‘we are open late on Sundays.’”
Finally, eating in Chinese restaurants offered a way of assimilating in a new country. “It was part of the process of Americanization,” Plaut says. “Eating out was becoming more popular in general from the 1890s in the United States. It was also probably a sign of being able to afford it, because eating out was then a luxury.”
Jewish Christmas Traditions
While it’s unclear exactly when eating Chinese food on Christmas became an established Jewish tradition, Plaut says that it’s likely predated by another Jewish Christmas custom: volunteerism. “I call it the ‘Christmas mitzvah,’ and it's about sharing the goodwill of the season by doing charitable acts all over the country,” he explains.
By the early 20th century, Jews were already congregating on Christmas to engage in communal charitable acts, and regularly eating in Chinese restaurants—including on Sundays, when their Christian neighbors got together after religious services. As Locker and Gordon point out, unlike the Italian, Irish, German and Polish immigrants on the Lower East Side, the Jewish and Chinese communities largely didn’t celebrate the Christian holidays. “Of course, the biggest of these holidays is Christmas, during which ‘the City That Never Sleeps’ essentially shuts down,” they explain.
Chinese restaurants, however, remained open. “Over the years, Jewish families and friends gather on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at Chinese restaurants across the United States to socialize and to banter, to reinforce social and familial bonds, and to engage in a favorite activity for Jews during the Christmas holiday,” Plaut writes.
Along with volunteering and eating at Chinese restaurants, going to the movies on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day became another long-standing Jewish tradition, Plaut says. This began in the early 1900s, when Jews would go to nickelodeons to see an early form of film on their days off, including on Christmas. More recently, Jewish directors like Woody Allen and Steven Spielberg opted to open many of their new films on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.
“[For Jews] there’s the feeling of being left out [on Christmas] and not wanting to be outsiders, and it’s a day off, so why not get together with family and friends and go to the movies or a Chinese restaurant,” Plaut says.
Tradition Continues
The Jewish tradition of eating Chinese food on Christmas got a high-profile mention during Justice Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 2010. When asked where she had been on Christmas Day, she famously responded: “You know, like all Jews, I was probably at a Chinese restaurant.”
In more recent years, Plaut says that the tradition of eating in a Chinese restaurant on Christmas has extended to other Asian cuisines, including Japanese, Vietnamese, Indian, Malaysian and Thai. “There are Asian restaurants in the suburbs and all over the United States now, so it's easy to go out for Chinese food or Thai food on Christmas Eve,” he says.
And you don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy Chinese food around Christmas. According to data from GoogleTrends from 2006 to 2023, searches for “Chinese food” in the United States peaked each year between Christmas and New Year’s Day. “Chinese restaurant owners will actually tell you that it's their most popular and busiest day of the year,” Plaut says.
Given that Jews account for approximately 2.4 percent of all adults in the U.S., it’s likely that people outside of the faith have also adopted the tradition of gathering at Chinese restaurants on Christmas.
“It’s a way to make your own insider form of celebrating the holiday,” Plaut says. “Instead of Christmas ham, maybe you’ll have kung pao chicken.”