Latino inventors have created revolutionary devices that have transformed our everyday world—and often changed how we live. These innovations have helped advance technological, pharmaceutical and environmental products that we use daily. Below are a list of inventions by Latinos in the United States and those born in Latin America.
Color TV
The upgrades from black-and-white to color television began in the 1960s, thanks to a patent filed in 1940 for a “chromoscopic adapter for television equipment” by Guillermo González Camarena of Mexico. Camarena, an electrical engineer who specialized in electronics at the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico, created the first Trichromatic Field Sequential System, a technology that transmits moving images in variations of red, green and blue to achieve a spectrum of color. Prior to González Camarena’s invention, televisions only broadcast images in monochrome.
Earthquake Sensing Technology
Because of University of Chile professor Arturo Arias Suárez, scientists have the ability to measure the risks of damage related to a possible earthquake in a given location. Arias Suárez served as director of Chile’s Instituto de Investigación y Ensayos de Materiales (Materials Research and Testing Institute /IDIEM) from 1958 through 1965. In 1970, he developed the “Instrumental Seismic Intensity” or “Arias Intensity” (AI) method, a mathematical formula that assesses the strength of earthquake tremors by measuring their seismic waves. With the Arias Intensity formula, building engineers can design buildings that are better equipped to withstand seismic activity.