Having taken dance classes as a youth, she successfully auditioned to be the dance partner of a Chicago visitor named R.L. Poole. When Poole reunited with a girlfriend, he replaced Angelou with her. Always resourceful, Angelou moved back to the San Francisco Bay Area, taking odd jobs in a restaurant, dress shop and real estate office. Eventually, she got a gig at a nightclub called the Purple Onion as a dancer and calypso singer, despite lacking vocal training.
“She loved performing, and I think it gave her a creative outlet before she turned to writing,” Sandeen says.
Her club act led her to win a minor part in the musical Porgy and Bess in 1954, the year she divorced her husband of three years, Tosh Angelos. The opportunity took her all over Europe, but she had to leave her son behind in the United States. When she returned from overseas, she vowed not to leave Guy behind again should she have to travel at length, and she kept her word.
In the United States, Angelou continued singing and dancing and began to experiment with writing song lyrics, sketches and short stories. In 1959, she and Guy moved to New York City, giving her access to the network of writers there. She tried playwriting but continued to work as a performer, including at Harlem’s famous Apollo Theater. In 1960, a Cuban magazine published a short story she’d written, but she was still almost a decade out from crafting her hit memoir.
As the civil rights movement gained momentum, Angelou decided to help the fight for racial equality by organizing a show called Cabaret for Freedom to fundraise for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). The show ran for five weeks and garnered praise for Angelou. She followed it up by taking a job as the SCLC regional coordinator in which she wrote letters, managed volunteers and made phone calls to fundraise for the movement. She went on to meet King, whom she found surprisingly open and down-to-earth.
Newspaper Editor
The civil rights movement coincided with Africa’s independence movements from colonial oppression. After meeting and falling in love with a South African activist named Vusumzi Make and co-founding the Cultural Association for Women of African Heritage, Angelou traveled with him to the continent in 1961. In Cairo, Egypt, she became editor of The Arab Observer newspaper, working there for a year.
“She had no journalism experience when she accepted the job,” Sandeen says. “But, again, she was like, ‘Okay, well, I guess I'll learn on the job.’ And just like with all the other jobs that she had, all of that shaped her into who she would become.”
When she and Make split in 1962, she moved to Ghana, where she encountered Malcolm X, who had left the Nation of Islam. She planned to return to the U.S. and work for his new group Organization of Afro-American Unity, but Malcolm X was assassinated in early 1965.
As the 1960s grew increasingly violent, claiming King’s life in 1968, Angelou became depressed. She poured her feelings into writing I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, which chronicles her childhood of abuse and neglect but also of healing and recovery.
Living an unconventional life contributed to Angelou’s success with Caged Bird and beyond, Sandeen says. “One of the things that made her such a good writer was that she knew how to tell stories, and I think just the fact that she had so many experiences gave her so many stories to tell and helped her to be entertaining as she told them.”