“There’s a widely-held myth that we once had a wonderful retirement program where everyone got a pension and it was happily ever after,” Benna says. “But it’s just that—a huge myth.”
Benna, then working for the Pennsylvania-based Johnson Cos., had a bank as a client that was trying to create its own retirement plan with an interest in curbing the taxes senior executives paid on their bonuses. Benna knew that by deferring how cash was paid out, employees could reduce the amount of tax they paid.
While Congress had added Section 401(k) to the Internal Revenue Code, which was passed in the fall of 1978, that provision did not become effective until January 1, 1980. Benna’s innovation was adding employer matching contributions and employee pre-tax contributions, neither of which had been included when Section 401(k) was added by Congress. Whether or not those types of contributions could be included, Benna says, was left to Treasury.
At first, Benna says lawyers for the bank rejected his pitch, but his company, Johnson, went forward with it in 1981. Other companies found it to be a hard sell. When pitching the idea, Benna was met with stares and comments about how employees didn’t need to save for retirement.
“They were locked into where they were,” Benna says. The mutual fund industry was largely mom and pop operations at the time. “There was a whole industry shift, not only at the employer level, but the financial structure. A lot of it didn’t exist.”
Individual participation in the stock market through 401(k)s helped fuel the go-go days of Wall Street in the 1980s and birthed asset management juggernauts like Fidelity, Vanguard, Pimco, BlackRock, and dozens of others. By the mid-1980s, the mutual fund industry had multiplied many times over, along with the ranks of well-paid professionals on Wall Street peddling the funds and taking high management fees for doing so. More and more Fortune 500 companies began adding the plan and employees poured their assets in.
Today it’s normal for workers to be saddled with arcane mutual fund prospectuses, financial jargon, and potentially conflicted sources for advice when they sign up for their company 401(ks). But the system has also hurt them.
Throughout the Great Recession of 2008, the average 401(k) balance lost anywhere from 25 to 40 percent of value. Nobody was more harmed than baby boomers or recent retirees, who unlike younger workers, didn’t have the time for the market to rebound, or were no longer contributing and therefore unable to invest when stocks were cheap. Investors were left without money, but the money management firms still gathered their management fees.
“Too many people had the highest risk exposure during their working careers at the wrong time,” Benna says. “These people took a hit they’re never going to recover from. They’re told to hang in there and be alright, but I’ve gone through the math. They may not recover and may not be alright.”
Today, Benna, perhaps ironically, isn’t really retired. He continues to offer retirement advice to individuals and companies and is staggered by his offbeat place in financial history.
“It was never intended to be what it is today,” says Benna. “It wasn’t expected to be a big thing.”