Ninjas Served Mostly as Spies
What distinguished a ninja? Unlike Japan’s other famous warriors, the samurai, who were highly trained fighters from elite families, ninjas came from all levels of society. And unlike samurai, ninjas weren’t bound by a strict code of honor (bushido) that required face-to-face fighting. Warlords could employ ninjas to engage in the kind of guerrilla warfare that would dishonor a samurai.
Since they served as mercenaries and spies, ninjas needed to be especially adept at disguise and subterfuge. And while popularly depicted as trained assassins, they were more likely to marshal skills of stealth, distraction and counterintelligence than to kill. Their ultimate responsibility was to covertly gather useful intelligence for their lord.
The word “ninja” doesn’t appear in historical texts and testimonials before the 19th century. Rather, early texts referred to these fighters most commonly as “shinobi,” which shares a common character with ninja in Japanese kanji (writing). The Vocabulario da Lingoa de Iapam, a Japanese-Portuguese dictionary published by the Jesuit mission in Nagasaki in 1603, defines shinobi as “a spy who in times of war enters a castle by night or clandestinely, or infiltrates the enemy ranks to obtain intelligence.”
That intelligence made shinobi exceedingly valuable to their patrons, says historian Yamada Yüji, vice president of the International Ninja Research Center at Japan’s Mie University and editor of a multidisciplinary anthology of ninja studies: “You need to know the topography of the enemy’s position, the condition of his food supplies, the structure of his castle. It was the job of the shinobi to obtain this kind of crucial information. They would infiltrate the enemy domain and ascertain the lay of the land…and create chaos through acts of sabotage and arson.”
Origins of the Ninja Arts
As mercenaries, ninja fought for warlords all over Japan. But according to the Gunpo Samurai Youshuu, a dictionary of samurai martial law, the best feudal-era shinobi came from the neighboring provinces of Iga and Koka, situated in the mountain region southeast of Japan’s then-capital, Kyoto. By the 14th century, about two dozen ninja schools had popped up throughout Japan. According to the 17th-century Bansenshukai, a 22-volume encyclopedia on the art of the ninja, the ninjutsu discipline found inspiration in the guerrilla tactics of the brilliant Chinese war strategist, Sun Tzu.
The Bansenshukai describes the ninja arts as social skills, conversation techniques, mnemonics (memory aids), transmission techniques, medicine, astronomy and even sorcery. Ninjas were trained to use their intellect and vast knowledge to infiltrate any social setting, gain knowledge and escape safely to report their findings to their patron. Psychologically, a good ninja required intense self-discipline and purity of mind, says Yüji: “a mental state of absolute tranquility, in which a person will not flinch even if a bare blade is pressed against his chest.”
As masters of disguise, ninjas would often infiltrate their target not under cover of night, but in broad daylight, disguised as a merchant or a Buddhist priest. They used many common tools, such as the sickle and sword, as weapons so they could blend in with peasants and farmers. But they also famously carried shuriken, the ninja star, because these pocket-sized, hand-held throwing blades could be easily hidden and used to disarm an opponent.