Prior to his escape, a confidant purportedly warned Alexei: “Remember, if your father sends somebody to persuade you to return, do not do it. He will have you publicly beheaded.” But the tsarevich ignored this sage advice. Reluctantly crossing back into Russia in early 1718, he fell to his knees in front of Peter and begged for forgiveness as part of a public spectacle in which he was disinherited.
Peter then demanded that Alexei name his accomplices, which led to the torture of dozens of the tsarevich’s associates. A few were executed, while others were banished or imprisoned. Peter even took action against his ex-wife, Eudoxia, confining her to a second, more remote convent and brutally torturing to death her lover.
At this point, Alexei apparently still hoped for a quiet life with Afrosina in the countryside. But even she ended up testifying against him, after which Alexei was jailed, put on trial, and tortured. Most sources state that he was whipped 25 times on June 19, 1718, and that, when the torture started up again five days later, he confessed to conspiring for the death of his father. (Bushkovitch points out that evidence for this timeline is shaky.) On June 26 (or July 7 by the New Style or Gregorian calendar), the tsarevich died of his wounds.
Upon digging through archives in multiple countries, Bushkovitch determined that Alexei had, to at least some degree, plotted against Peter. “There was clearly some sort of understanding with the Austrians that the tsarevich Alexei might be able to lead some sort of revolt,” Bushkovitch says. The Swedes likewise attempted to recruit the tsarevich. Yet these plans never got off the ground. What’s more, Bushkovitch found no sign that Peter’s opponents in Russia were involved. “There were a lot of people who hoped this might happen,” Bushkovitch says, “but they weren’t organizing anything.”
At any rate, even by the bloody standards of royal family feuds, Peter’s cruelty stands out as unique. “So far as I know,” Daly says, “there were no other European monarchs who oversaw the torture of their own children.”