When asked if Charles wanted to rule, Diana told Bashir, "there was always conflict on that subject with him when we discussed it,” and that “being King would be a little bit more suffocating. And because I know the character, I would think that the top job, as I call it, would bring enormous limitations to him, and I don't know whether he could adapt to that."
“Her casting doubt on Charles’s ability to be a good king was hugely damaging to the institution,” says Nicholl. “There is a fine balance between using TV as a medium to royal advantage and not letting too much daylight into the mystique of monarchy.”
Fallout From Diana's BBC Interview
Though Charles and Diana had been separated since 1992, the 1995 BBC interview was the final blow to the marriage. “There were both personal and political considerations,” says Carolyn Harris, historian, author, and royal commentator. “On a personal level, there was a strain on the queen’s grandsons Williams and Harry. On the political level, Diana was critiquing Charles’s suitability to be king.”
A month after it was filmed, Queen Elizabeth II sent letters to Charles and Diana urging them to finalize their divorce. “The Queen could see the damage it was causing to the monarchy as an institution. It was a case of Elizabeth II putting the reputation and preservation of the monarchy above all else,” Nicholl says.
It also deeply upset Diana’s family and those closest to her—including Prince William. “It was one of the few times she fell out with William,” Nicholl says. In 2021, Prince William issued a public statement about the interview, saying “it was a major contribution to making my parents’ relationship worse and has since hurt countless others.” He requested it never air again.
Bashir Used 'Deceitful Methods' to Obtain Interview
The interview was conducted with the upmost secrecy, with equipment smuggled into Kensington palace and the Board of Governors of the BBC strategically left in the dark about its planning and execution. In 2020, The BBC hired Judge Lord Dyson to conduct an investigation into allegations that Bashir misled Diana in order to get the interview. The Dyson Report found Bashir employed “deceitful methods” to gain Diana’s trust, including forging bank statements that fueled her paranoia that she was under surveillance: “Diana was being encouraged to believe that the palace was carefully monitoring her conversations and her movements,” says Harris.
“While she always wanted to talk, the way Bashir booked the interview is so discredited that his actions have to be taken into account,” says Nicholl. “We don’t know how much the fears he instilled in her led her to doing the interview or whether she would have gone as far as she went had she not been deceived—that is the big question.”
Diana died in a car crash just two years after the BBC interview, making her words loom even larger in public remembrances of “the people’s princess.”
“Diana was able to connect to the public because of the combination of glamour and vulnerability,” says Harris. “One of the reasons many people felt they could relate to Diana was that they felt as though they knew her because she spoke quite openly of the challenges she faced.”