This was a common conspiracy theory to find in northern white newspapers during the “Red Summer,” a period between roughly April and November 1919 in which “race riots” broke out in at least 18 states and Washington, D.C. White mobs instigated most of these riots, and Black Americans—who’d just served their country in World War I and were tired of unequal citizenship—fought back. Among white Americans, communism became a convenient scapegoat.
In March 1919, the Communist International, or “Comintern,” formed with the intent to spread communism around the world. And over the next two months, anarchists began sending mail bombs to prominent figures like U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer.
In the midst of this, some white Americans feared communists and other perceived “radicals” were trying to overthrow the United States by sowing racial unrest so Black Americans would riot.
Underpinning this conspiracy theory was the assumption that someone must be egging on Black Americans to protest. Representative James F. Byrnes of South Carolina claimed the average southern Black man was “happy and contented and will remain so if the propagandist of the I.W.W., the Bolsheviki of Russia, and the misguided theorist of other sections of this country will let him alone,” according to the Congressional Record for August 25, 1919.
WATCH: The Red Scare Started Before the McCarthy Era
Black Magazine Becomes a Target
Byrnes suspected the IWW was financing a magazine called The Messenger in order to spread anti-American messages, and he demanded the U.S. government prosecute the magazine under the 1918 Sedition Act.
Mark Ellis, a senior lecturer in history at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow who has written about the Red Summer, says part of what was going on was that people like Byrnes thought Black Americans “couldn't be producing such articulate, well-produced, slick journalism as you would see in The Crisis magazine and The Messenger magazine.”
“I think deeply racist officials, who didn’t seem to believe that Black people are capable of doing this sort of thing and coming up with these ideas and these arguments on their own, simply assumed that they were being put up to it.”
There was never any proof that communists or other supposed political radicals were influencing Black publications or convincing Black Americans to riot, but the theory didn’t need proof to thrive. The conspiracy theory was similar to a previous one involving a WWI German spy scare. When the United States entered the war in 1917, many white Americans saw Black activists’ and soldiers’ campaigns for equal rights as evidence of German subversion.
“The idea of ‘pro-Germanism among the Negroes’—which is how military intelligence headed its reports—really spreads [during the war],” Ellis says. “There’s all sorts of briefings given to newspapers like The New York Times about German infiltration and various sorts of plots without any facts to back it up. I think a lot of people simply believed that it was just a straightforward fact that Germans were trying to subvert the loyalty of Black Americans, and were being quite successful.”
“I think there was always a concern in American history by some whites that African Americans were plotting against them,” McWhirter says. “The rise of the Bolsheviks and the collapse of Russia, the rise of anarchism and anarchists leaving bombs at people’s doorsteps in 1919, really fueled this notion that…somehow [the Red Summer] was linked to these radical movements.”