According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ was cruelly martyred by the Romans around A.D. 33. But after three days in the tomb, it says, Jesus miraculously rose again, appeared to his disciples and ascended to heaven. Jesus’ resurrection and triumph over death is what Christians celebrate every Easter.
But Christianity isn’t the only ancient faith to worship a deity who dies and then rises again, as the Scottish anthropologist James Frazer explained in The Golden Bough, his landmark 1922 study of world religion and mythology.
In the ancient Near East, where the Bible was written, stories of divine death and resurrection were closely tied with the agricultural cycle, and Frazer believed that early Christians likely chose a spring date for Easter to coincide with existing pagan festivals for their resurrected gods.
“Taken altogether, the coincidences of the Christian with the heathen festivals are too close and too numerous to be accidental,” concluded Frazer.
Here are six examples of resurrection stories from ancient cultures around the world, including India, China, Mesoamerica and Norse mythology.