But immunization in the 1770s was not what it’s like today with a single injection and a low risk of mild symptoms. Edward Jenner didn’t even develop his revolutionary cowpox-based vaccine for smallpox until 1796. The best inoculation technique at Washington’s disposal during the Revolutionary War was a nasty and sometimes fatal method called “variolation.”
“An inoculation doctor would cut an incision in the flesh of the person being inoculated and implant a thread laced with live pustular matter into the wound,” explains Fenn. “The hope and intent was for the person to come down with smallpox. When smallpox was conveyed in that fashion, it was usually a milder case than it was when it was contracted in the natural way.”
Variolization still had a case fatality rate of 5 to 10 percent. And even if all went well, inoculated patients still needed a month to recover. The procedure was not only risky for the individual patient but for the surrounding population. An inoculee with a mild case might feel well enough to walk around town, infecting countless others with potentially more serious infections.
When Washington weighed the risks at Boston in July 1775, he feared that a large-scale inoculation would sideline his troops, or worse, lead to a full-blown epidemic. So during the Siege of Boston, Washington opted for a strict quarantine of both sickened soldiers and civilians. Civilians showing smallpox symptoms were held in the town of Brookline, while military cases were sent to a quarantine hospital located at a pond near Cambridge.
“No Person is to be allowed to go to Fresh-water pond a fishing or on any other occasion as there may be a danger of introducing the smallpox into the army,” wrote Washington on July 4, 1775, his second official day as general.
The quarantine did its job, isolating the sick long enough for the British to surrender Boston. But as the fight for independence moved elsewhere, smallpox followed the American army like an unshakeable curse. Army life in the 18th century was cramped and unsanitary with new recruits mingling microbes with soldiers from entirely different parts of the country. Needless to say, smallpox thrived.
Smallpox Ravages Troops After Battle of Quebec
The virus proved a formidable enemy during the Battle of Quebec waged on December 31, 1775, in which the Continental Army was so weakened by smallpox that it had no option but retreat. As it turned out, the long march south from Canada through New York was almost worse than the battle as smallpox tore through the ranks.
“There are horrific accounts of men dying at a place called Île aux Noix at the northern tip of Lake Champlain with lice and fleas and maggots crawling all over them,” says Fenn. “It was just an awful, awful scene.”
There were even rumors circulating among American military leaders that the British were engaging in biowarfare, deliberately sending sick soldiers and civilians to infect the revolutionaries. While there’s no smoking-gun evidence that such a plot was carried out, it wasn’t without precedent.
“There’s that famous event at Fort Pitt during Pontiac’s uprising in 1763 in which several different British officers, including Jeffery Amhurst, came up with the idea of deliberately conveying smallpox to enemies and implementing it,” says Fenn. “This was not a novel idea during the Revolutionary War.”
By the time America officially declared its independence on July 4, 1776, the effectiveness of quarantine was thrown into doubt and there was no easy way of calculating the risk of a mass inoculation of the beleaguered American troops.
“The small Pox! The small Pox!” John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail. “What shall We do with it?”
Washington Makes the Call to Inoculate
By the following winter, Washington and his troops were camped in Morristown, New Jersey, where the threat of smallpox was as dire as ever. America’s stoic general waffled back and forth on whether to inoculate or not, even making the mass inoculation order and then rescinding it. Finally, on February 5, 1777, he made the call in a letter to John Hancock, president of the Second Continental Congress.
“The small pox has made such Head in every Quarter that I find it impossible to keep it from spreading thro’ the whole Army in the natural way. I have therefore determined, not only to innoculate all the Troops now here, that have not had it, but shall order Docr. Shippen to innoculate the Recruits as fast as they come in to Philadelphia.”
Fenn says that inoculating all troops without natural smallpox immunity was a daunting task. First, medical personnel had to examine each individual to determine if they had contracted the disease in the past, then they conducted the risky variolation procedure, followed by a month-long recovery process attended by teams of nurses.
Meanwhile, this entire process—the first of its kind and scale—had to be conducted in total secrecy. If the British caught wind that large numbers of American soldiers were laid up in bed with smallpox, it could be the end.
“I need not mention the necessity of as much secrecy as the nature of the Subject will admit of,” wrote Washington, “it being beyond doubt, that the Enemy will avail themselves of the event as far as they can.”
At Valley Forge, Inoculations Added to Misery