“He was really gathering these sort of factoids from different encyclopedias, and even from advertisements he saw and placards he saw in the street,” Talty says. “So he was a complete amateur, but he was able to sort of built up enough of a portfolio to finally approach the British.”
That isn’t to say he didn’t make some mistakes. Britain’s domestic intelligence agency, MI5, notes on its website that Pujol once told Germans that on a visit to Glasgow, Scotland, he found men who “would do anything for a litre of wine.” Evidently, the Nazis didn’t catch that he should’ve said “beer” or “whiskey” (in 2015, the Telegraph declared “Scotland’s first wine branded ‘undrinkable’ by critics”).
In 1942, Pujol again approached British officials about becoming a double-agent by showing them that, in fact, he already was one. Unbeknownst to him, British operatives had already realized that a secret spy was sending information to Germany from Portugal and Spain, but didn’t know who that spy was. When Pujol revealed himself, they brought him to London to work for MI5.
The Nazis continued to think of Pujol as an important spy throughout the war. They never discovered that he was a double agent, despite the fact that a lot of his information was incorrect.
“I think the Germans felt that no one could really fake this much information and this many different characters,” Talty says, referencing the 27 imaginary spies that Pujol told Germans he had recruited to feed him information (Pujol’s MI5 codename was “Agent Garbo” because he was such a good actor). “[The Germans] also felt that if they cut him off or if they doubted him even, they were not going to just lose one agent, they were going lose a network.”
VIDEO: D-Day: Allied Invasion at Normandy
View newsreel film footage detailing the D-day invasion of France on June 6, 1944.
In his most famous deception, Pujol told the Nazis that news they’d heard about a planned invasion of Normandy was fake. Of course, this wasn’t true, and as a result the Nazis were unprepared for the Allies’ successful D-Day invasion.
After the European war ended in 1945, Pujol continued to work for MI5 to investigate whether Germany had any plans to resurrect a sort of Fourth Reich. After this, Pujol wanted to get out of Europe and away from his memories of the war, so he moved to Venezuela. But because many former Nazis had also chosen Venezuela as a place to flee from their crimes, Pujol figured it would be safer for him there if everybody thought he was dead.
In 1948, he called Tommy Harris, who’d been his handler at MI5, and instructed him to tell everyone that he had died of malaria in Angola. Harris spread this news through the organization, and a year later the British ambassador officially told Spain that he was dead. The news reached Pujol’s first wife and children in Spain. Meanwhile, in Venezuela, Pujol grew a beard and started wearing a distinctive pair of glasses.