Hitler admired the ancient Greeks and saw the Nazis as their rightful heirs. While Diem was not a member of the Nazi Party, his torch relay would be coopted by the Nazis as a powerful propaganda tool to bind not only the ancient and modern Olympics, but ancient Greece and the Third Reich as well.
The entire torch relay, starting with the ceremony in Olympia, was a thoroughly German production. Krupp, a German arms manufacturer, crafted the steel-clad torches that featured a magnesium-burning element designed by German chemists to stay lit regardless of weather conditions. Germany’s Zeiss Optics built the mirror used to light the flame, and an Opel car carrying a spare Olympic flame trailed the torchbearers.
Goebbels ensured there was extensive German media coverage of the relay, including radio reports directly from the route, and he commissioned director Leni Riefenstahl to film it as part of “Olympia,” the Nazi propaganda film released in 1938.
Surrounded by the mythology of ancient Greece, Riefenstahl wasn’t above doing some mythmaking of her own. Dissatisfied with the footage of the actual lighting ceremony in Olympia and believing that Kondylis did not resemble the ideal of an Olympic torchbearer from antiquity—had such a thing existed—the director brought another relay runner to Berlin after the Summer Games to stage the version of the torch lighting that appears in the movie.
From Greece, the Olympic flame traveled more than 2,000 miles through Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Austria and Czechoslovakia. It was blessed by Greek Orthodox priests in Bulgaria and serenaded by Gypsy musicians in Hungary. When the relay reached Vienna on the evening of July 29, 1936, Austrian Nazis, who had assassinated the country’s chancellor in a failed coup attempt in 1934, sang the Nazi Party anthem and welcomed the flame with cries of “Heil, Hitler!” They hurled epithets at Jewish members of the Austrian Olympic team and shouted down the Austrian president. A statement from Goebbels ironically read that “the use of the Olympic flame for political purposes is exceptionally regrettable.”
The Olympic flame was welcomed by 50,000 Germans at the Czech border on the morning of July 31, 1936, and the following day German runner Fritz Schilgen held the torch aloft as he entered Berlin’s Olympic Stadium before a sea of 100,000 onlookers. Schilgen, an elite runner but not an Olympian, was chosen as the final torchbearer for his youthful Aryan appearance and graceful gait. As he ran the ultimate leg of the relay past Hitler’s box before lighting the cauldron, he completed the last link in a chain binding the Third Reich to Mount Olympus.