How the U.S. Election System Favors the Two-Party Model
To understand why the two-party system is so firmly entrenched in the United States, it’s important to understand how the nation’s elections work. The U.S. system of representation is based on who wins the most votes in each district, not necessarily a majority of votes cast. In addition, each distinct area—whether congressional district, state or, in the case of the presidency, the nation as a whole—is represented by a single member, rather than proportional representation based on the number of votes received.
The tendency for such a winner-takes-all, single-member district system to promote a two-party organization is sometimes explained by a concept known as “Duverger’s law,” named after the French political scientist Maurice Duverger.
“A lot of comparative political scientists will say it's not actually a hard and fast law, but it's a good rule of thumb [that] single member districts and plurality elections tend to produce stable two-party systems and make it very difficult for third parties to emerge,” Rosenfeld explains. “The reason being: People are strategic in their voting. Faced with multiple candidates in a system in which all you need is the most votes to win, people worry if they vote for their favorite candidate that's just going to serve as a spoiler, and might perversely lead to the election of their least-favorite candidate.”
As a result, people tend to vote for their most preferred electable candidate, which is almost invariably (in the United States) either a Republican or a Democrat. The U.S. primary process, Rosenfeld says, also channels conflict over policy within each party, ideally producing general election candidates that can appeal to the broadest possible coalition of voters.
“That same kind of conflict usually generates new parties elsewhere,” Rosenfeld says, referring to multi-party systems with proportional representation, like those of many European countries. “Here, it gets channeled internally.”
Because of these structural features, among other reasons, the two-party system has remained durable through the past two centuries of American history—despite whatever public opinion polls (like this 2022 Pew Research Poll) may say about its popularity.
“I try to impart to students and other people [that] if you are really committed to wanting more choices, and you're dissatisfied with two-partyism, you need to think much more seriously about actually changing the rules of the American constitutional system, and certainly our electoral systems,” Rosenfeld says. “It's not just a question of finding a really charismatic third candidate.”