British authorities were among the fiercest opponents of the slave trade. Since the American government largely turned a blind eye to the traffic and remained unwilling to let the Royal Navy intercept American slavers, the British consul in New York, Sir Edward Archibald, took matters into his own hands by hiring a spy. His named was Emilio Sanchez, and he is one of the great unknown abolitionists of American history.
Born in Cuba, Sanchez had immigrated to the United States and become a shipowner and merchant in New York. After an entanglement with members of the Portuguese Company ended badly, he was eager for revenge. He interviewed with Archibald and signed on for 400 pounds a month plus bonuses for each voyage terminated due to his information.
Sanchez put his knowledge of Manhattan’s docks to good use. For three and a half years, he spied on the slave traders, watching their movements and the departures of their ships. He struck up conversation with captains, sailors and outfitters, probing them for information. What was the name of the vessel? Its owner? When would it leave New York? He wrote it all down—often in cypher, a safety precaution—for Consul Archibald.
Archibald sent Sanchez’s intel across the Atlantic Ocean to London and to British cruisers off the African coast. Often it arrived with British ships before slavers had arrived from U.S. ports. Armed with information that the vessels’ true owners were not U.S. citizens, and therefore not entitled to fly the U.S. flag, the Royal Navy struck. In total, Sanchez’s intel ended 30 slaving voyages and prevented some 20,000 captives from enduring the Middle Passage.
The Illegal Slave Trade Became an Issue in the Brewing Civil War
As the slave trade developed in New York, the nation became increasingly divided over slavery. During a fierce dispute over the institution in Kansas, a new party emerged: the Republicans, led by Abraham Lincoln and William Seward. Unlike the ruling Democratic Party, which supported slavery and had little interest in crushing the illegal slave trade, the Republicans spoke out powerfully against both.
Instead of training their guns on New York, though, the Republicans reserved their fiercest criticism for the South. It was politically convenient: A handful of vocal southern radicals like Leonidas Spratt of South Carolina sought to reopen the slave trade to their shores in the mid 1850s. Republicans, and many northerners, were appalled.
William Seward, a New Yorker, lasered in on the issue, arguing that the “restoration of the African slave trade” was a southern priority, a scheme that would seed slavery on the expanding western frontier. He made the issue a key part of his “Irrepressible Conflict” speech in 1858. Abraham Lincoln did the same in his famous “House Divided” speech the same year.
Southerners and their northern allies responded by charging Lincoln and the North with hypocrisy and telling them to deal with the traffic “under their own eyes.” But when a few vessels, including the Clotilda, arrived in the Deep South between 1858 and 1860, Republican criticisms gained extra potency. Blocking “southern reopening” became part of Lincoln’s platform in the 1860 presidential election. Like the Kansas Nebraska Act, Dred Scott and John Brown’s raid, the illegal slave trade became a hot burning coal in the fire of the sectional crisis.
The Trade Collapses
When the nation split after Lincoln’s election, it was actually the Confederacy that took the first steps against the slave trade. Recognizing that the issue divided Confederates at a time when they needed unity more than ever, leading political figures banned the traffic entirely in the Confederate Constitution in 1861.
Lincoln also moved against the trade by permitting the British to search U.S. vessels through the Lyons-Seward Treaty and refusing to commute the death sentence for a slaving captain Nathaniel Gordon, who became the only American executed under the 1820 law. Spooked, the Portuguese took flight.
By 1863, the American slave trade had finally ceased.
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