Mark Felt emerged after three decades
For 30 years, Felt, Woodward and Bernstein kept Deep Throat’s identity a secret. Even when the story of Watergate was made into the blockbuster movie All the President’s Men starring Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman and Hal Holbrook, Felt and company stayed mum.
Felt reportedly even denied the truth to his family, friends and closest colleagues. That is, until May 2005 when an ailing Felt announced in a Vanity Fair article, “I’m the guy they used to call Deep Throat.”
Reportedly, Felt’s family had figured out his pseudo-identity and encouraged him to tell the world. Felt struggled with the decision, however, and was concerned about how it would affect the family and his legacy. It wasn’t until his family suggested the truth might help them pay some bills that he agreed to share his story.
Was ‘Deep Throat’ a patriot or a turncoat?
The reaction to the Vanity Fair article was mixed. Some people considered Felt an American hero for fighting for justice; others thought him a disloyal traitor. Once Felt came forward, Woodward and Bernstein confirmed he was Deep Throat.
The pair also cautioned people to remember that Deep Throat was just one factor of a mammoth investigation which included other sources, Senate hearings and the infamous Nixon Oval Office recordings, among other things.
“Felt’s role in all this can be overstated,” said Bernstein in an interview after Felt broke his silence. “When we wrote the book, we didn’t think his role would achieve such mythical dimensions. You see there that Felt/Deep Throat largely confirmed information we had already gotten from other sources.”
On December 18, 2008, Felt died of heart failure at the age of 95. Whether he was a courageous patriot willing to risk everything for justice or a turncoat hoping to take down a sitting president is up to individuals and history to decide.
What’s certain is Deep Throat played a critical role in ending the Nixon administration, and Woodward and Bernstein’s reporting brought new meaning to the term “investigative journalism,” inspiring a generation of investigative reporters.