Rise of Agriculture—Rise of Warfare
Roughly 12,000 years ago, agriculture emerged in the Fertile Crescent, and population densities increased even in areas without crops. “Agriculture is not required” for warfare, Glowacki says, “but it certainly does facilitate it.”
To date, researchers have found no definitive evidence that organized warfare pre-dates the so-called Neolithic Revolution. Basic warfare, however, is known to have broken out soon after. A 2016 study, for example, concluded that a massacre took place some 10,000 years ago near Lake Turkana in Kenya, with the victims showing signs of bound hands, arrow wounds and fractured skulls.
“I consider this to be the most reliable early evidence of a massacre,” says Glowacki, who was not involved in the study. “These are hunter-gatherers, but with some food storage and likely lower mobility.” He points out that massacres require more coordination and planning than “tit-for-tat raiding,” that they’re “indicative of more severe war,” and that they tend to occur when humans transition from mobile to sedentary lifestyles.
In present-day Germany, a massacre took place some 7,000 years ago, when attackers apparently tortured their victims—in part by breaking their shin bones—prior to killing them. Similar Neolithic massacres have been uncovered elsewhere in Germany and Austria, as well as in Croatia and France. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of Jericho, among the oldest cities in the world, built city walls around 8000 B.C., seemingly to keep out invaders.
As noted in a November 2023 study in the journal Scientific Reports, such Neolithic conflicts were presumed to be a “mixture of rapid assaults or short raids, generally lasting no more than a few days and affecting no more than 20 or 30 individuals.”
Extended Fighting Begins More Than 5,000 Years Ago
As it turns out, though, at least some later Neolithic fighting may have been more complex than previously realized, according to the study, which analyzed the skeletal remains of 338 individuals who died in northern Spain 5,400 to 5,000 years ago.
These remains, accidentally unearthed by a bulldozer in 1985, were originally believed to constitute another Neolithic massacre. Yet by looking closer at the skeletal injuries—which disproportionately affected males and were largely non-fatal (something not observed at other Neolithic mass-fatality sites in Europe)—the study’s authors determined that a protracted struggle had lasted months or years.
“We think we are seeing the result of a regional inter-group conflict,” lead author Teresa Fernández-Crespo, an archaeologist at the University of Valladolid in Spain, tells HISTORY in an email. She adds that “resource competition and social complexity could have been a source of tension, potentially escalating into lethal violence.”