English Designated Blue for St. Patrick
But during the centuries that Ireland was ruled by the English, the color blue fell into disfavor among the Irish. Henry VIII, who declared himself king of Ireland in 1541, gave Ireland a coat of arms that depicted a golden harp, a traditional symbol of the nation, on a blue background. In the late 1700s, the association between blue and St. Patrick was further tainted for the Irish when the English king George III created a new order of chivalry, the Order of St. Patrick. “Its official color was a sky blue, known as St. Patrick’s blue,” Stack says.
By then, the ever-rebellious Irish had chosen a different hue to symbolize their country. They seized upon green, the color of the shamrock, which in legend St. Patrick used when he explained Christian beliefs to the Irish.
The custom of wearing green “may have come from the tradition of wearing a piece of shamrock on the day in Ireland,” Stack explains. “The significance of the three-leafed shamrock comes from St. Patrick himself. He used the shamrock to describe the three forms of God—the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit—to convert early Irish people to Christianity.”
Green as Sign of Irish Defiance
In the Great Irish Rebellion of 1641, Irish military leader Owen Roe O’Neill’s sailing vessels flew a flag that depicted an Irish harp on a field of green instead of blue, according to Jerrold Casway’s 1984 biography of O’Neill. Even after that uprising was crushed, Thomas Dineley, an Englishman who traveled through Ireland in 1681, “reported people wearing crosses of green ribbon in their hats on Saint Patrick's Day,” Stack says.
Though the poorly-armed rebels were crushed by the British, the idea of wearing shamrocks attached to hats and the color green as nationalist symbols persisted, despite English attempts to suppress them. As described in Paul F. State’s book A Brief History of Ireland, “The Wearin’ o’ The Green,” a street ballad written by an anonymous songwriter around 1798, conveyed that rebellious meaning:
When law can stop the blades of grass from growing as they grow;
And when the leaves in summertime their verdure dare not show;
Then I will change the colour that I wear in my caubeen (hat),
But until that day, please God, I’ll stick to wearin’ o’ the green.
As Irish immigrants arrived in the United States and other countries in the 1800s, they took the custom of wearing green with them, and it became a prominent feature of the boisterous St. Patrick’s Day parades staged in many cities. In the U.S., Canada, and Australia, where Irish newcomers were often regarded with suspicion, “St. Patrick's Day often performed the function of declaring, almost belligerently, the presence of the Irish among their host community,” Mike Cronin and Daryl Adair write in their history of holiday, The Wearing of the Green.