In 1888, the Washington Nationals of the National League signed Hoy, making him professional baseball’s second deaf player after Ed Dundon, who played one season in the big leagues. In his rookie season, Hoy led the league with 82 stolen bases.
Hoy, who stood 5-foot-6 and weighed between 145 and 160 pounds during his playing days, was known for his speed and excellent throwing arm that allowed him to play shallow in center field. He was a left-handed hitter but a righty thrower.
Players and fans adapted to Hoy's deafness. Fans stood and waved at Hoy so he knew they were cheering. When Hoy joined a new team, he posted a note in every clubhouse so teammates would know how he handled fly balls.
“Whenever I take a fly ball,” he wrote, “I always yell, ‘I’ll take it’—the same as I have been doing for many seasons, and of course the other fielders let me take it. Whenever you don’t hear me yell, it is understood I am not after the ball, and they govern themselves accordingly.”
In addition to the Nationals, Hoy played for the Buffalo Bisons, St. Louis Browns, Washington Senators, Cincinnati Reds, Louisville Colonels and Chicago White Sox. He was one of 29 players to play in four of the five acknowledged major leagues—the National and American Leagues, the Player’s League and the American Association.
In a 14-year big-league career, Hoy earned the respect of players and management alike. "There is no more earnest player in the country today,” Reds manager Tom Loftus told reporters in 1890.
“Hoy knows nothing but baseball from the time the season commences until it closes,” the manager continued. “He watches every point, and while we were in New York he kept me busy answering questions on what I would do in case of such and such a suppositious play. He is a good, earnest player, the best on the Buffalo team.”
On May 26, 1902, in his final big-league season, Hoy batted against Luther Taylor, another deaf player. “I’m glad to see you,” he signed to him before singling to center field.
In his final professional game, with Los Angeles in the Pacific Coast League in 1903, Hoy concluded his career in style. As fog hovered over the field in the ninth inning, a hitter launched a fly ball into the outfield. Hoy made a terrific catch to end the game.
Is William Hoy in the Baseball Hall of Fame?
In 1898, Hoy married Anna Lowry, with whom he had three children. Anna, also deaf, taught deaf children for much of her life. After his playing career, Hoy bought land in Ohio and became a successful dairy farmer. At age 80, he walked 72 blocks to see his son, Judge Carson Hoy, preside in court.
“He was very famous in his time," Churnin says. "But he lived in a time when there was antagonism against the deaf community. He was mocked, laughed at, people telling him he didn’t belong."
Although Hoy was enshrined in the Reds' Hall of Fame, he has not made the cut for the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. Hall of Famer Sam Crawford—who played with Hoy on the Reds in 1902—extolled his former teammate's defensive skills, baserunning and worthiness for Hall enshrinement.
"There is not a single player in the Hall of Fame who faced physical challenges, not even an exhibit." Churnin says. "I cannot tell you what [Hoy's] selection would mean to his family, and to the deaf community.”