There is much more surviving evidence of male gladiators, who fought for nearly a thousand years all over the Roman Empire, which at its peak stretched from western Asia to the British Isles. In Rome itself, gladiator bouts began as part of lavish funeral services in the first centuries B.C., particularly among politically ambitious aristocrats. In 65 B.C., Julius Caesar used 320 pairs of gladiators ostensibly to honor his long-dead father. Although the contests were bloody, gladiators were seen as paragons of strength and valor who could inspire crowds to greater loyalty to Rome.
Many male gladiators were enslaved persons or prisoners of war, but young freemen could also volunteer to risk their lives in hopes of fame and fortune. Popular gladiators were revered as sex symbols and feted at the equivalent of fan bars in Rome. Training schools proliferated; event sponsors would rent whole troupes of gladiators from professional managers. Combatants often shared the fees. Slaves could hope to buy their freedom after winning several successful bouts.
Contrary to Hollywood portrayals, gladiators seldom fought to the death. A defeated gladiator would raise one finger, leaving the sponsor to decide his fate, often with input from the crowd. But having a gladiator slain required the sponsor to pay the troupe manager a hefty fee—10 times the rental cost, says Potter. He estimates the odds of a gladiator dying in any contest at about 1 in 20.
The Novelty of Women Gladiators
Audiences did crave novelty, however, which spurred sponsors to offer ever-more exotic acts. Female gladiators battling each other fit that bill. According to Roman historian Cassius Dio, Nero held an exhibition in 59 A.D. "that was at once most disgraceful and most shocking, when men and women not only of the [middle class] but even of the senatorial order...drove horses, killed wild beasts and fought as gladiators, some willingly and some sore against their will." In 66 A.D., Nero had female gladiators battle at games honoring his mother, whom he had murdered.
Emperor Domitian held gladiator bouts at nighttime by torchlight, sometimes pitting women against dwarfs as well as each other, according to Cassius Dio and Suetonius, another Roman historian.
What Roman Society Thought
Roman society still took a dim view of married women competing in the arena. The Roman poet Juvenal mocked men who allowed their wives to fight, writing, "What a great honor it is for a husband to see, at an auction, where his wife's effects are up for sale, belts, shin-guards, arm-protectors and plumes!... Hear her grunt and groan as she works at it, parrying and thrusting. See her neck bent down under the weight of her helmet."
In 200 A.D., the emperor Septimius Severus banned all female gladiatorial combat, reportedly after hearing such lewd jokes directed at women in an athletic contest that he feared the sport bred disrespect for all women.
The fervor for gladiators, in general, had greatly diminished by the fifth century—partly due to the spread of Christianity, which found it distasteful, and partly because the costs to stage such events grew untenable as the western Roman Empire collapsed.