Whereas Nimoy took a back seat in the investigations, presenting the show from inside a studio, Quinto had different ideas. “I wanted to bring it into a modern experience. Going on the ground and conducting interviews myself, diving into the exploration,” he explains.
Quinto went on to describe his search for answers by flying around the world, interviewing a teenage boy who survived a mysterious attack in the shallows off the Australian coast, quizzing the physicists helming the Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland and exploring archeological evidence in the waters of the Aegean coast. Throughout this exploration, Quinto talks to experts, witnesses, ‘experiencers’ and scientists in an attempt to grow a deeper understanding. And while his curiosity takes him there, his scientific mind allows him to probe everything he encounters.
“I don't go in fully convinced of things,” he admits. “I need proof. I go into each experience with openness, but also healthy skepticism.” The spirit of curiosity allows him to remain open to some extraordinary claims – including the conviction of one man that he has time travelled (several times), and the curious experiences of several unrelated witnesses who had identical experiences of ‘alien abduction.’ Hearing these witnesses recount their experiences, Quinto maintains a strict ‘no judgement’ stance. Responding with an upward flick of his eyebrows, he simply intones, in the precursor of a million GIFs to come, “Wow.”
“We try to converge the notions of science and experience. As objectivity and neutrality was my goal, I did try to hear people and recognize that it’s not my job to tell them what they have or haven’t experienced. I was looking for some indication that what they say happened to them can be explained. That wasn’t always the case, but I still found the conversations fascinating.”
So which was the investigation that surprised him the most? “The phenomenon of sinkholes," he replies. "I felt like it was incongruous with the other things that we were doing, and, excuse me, I wasn't that interested in it. But then when we did it, it was incredibly informative, and actually really moving. We spoke to a lot of people who were personally affected, who lost loved ones and homes, and a whole neighborhood that was threatened by a sinkhole. It was much more emotional than I expected it to be.”
And the investigation that left him with the most questions? “I think aliens," he says. "It was so exciting to travel to the Green Bank Observatory and meet with the scientists from SETI, [Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence]. Then the experiencers that we talked to, who claimed to have had extraterrestrial interactions - and as far fetched and difficult to believe as some of them were, there were similarities between them that were shocking. It made me look at the whole thing from a new perspective.”
Doctor Spock would approve. Quinto once said that what he admires most about Star Trek is the idea that unity will always overcome hatred. So, if there are aliens out there, we need to be friendly.
“That cornerstone of the Trek universe is something that Gene Roddenberry really believed,” affirms Quinto. “Truth's important, especially in this day and age, and I feel like we need to be holding each other accountable.”