Douglas was a champion of Manifest Destiny, or the belief that God had willed the United States toward rapid expansion, even if doing so drove Indigenous groups from their homelands. After sawmill operator James W. Marshall found gold in California, interest in Westward expansion intensified, with plans for a transcontinental railroad from east to west.
Douglas wanted Chicago to be the home of the eastern terminal, but for that to happen, the Nebraska territory had to be organized. Needing the Southern vote to achieve his goal, Douglas presented the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which passed on May 30, 1854.
The legislation infuriated opponents of slavery because the Missouri Compromise would have prohibited human bondage in both territories, which were north of the 36º30’ latitude line. Determined to stop the spread of slavery, they headed to Kansas with the goal of winning the first election after the Kansas-Nebraska Act’s passage. About 1,200 New Englanders headed to the territory with support from efforts like the New England Emigrant Aid Company established by U.S. Representative Eli Thayer of Massachusetts. But most of the Northern settlers came from the Midwest.
Slavery Supporters, Abolitionists Clash
Thousands of slavery supporters, many of them Missourians, traveled to Kansas, too, and the bloodshed that followed gave rise to the term “Bleeding Kansas.” Historians have attributed violence in Kansas and Missouri during this era to the competing governments that formed in the region, fights over land, and fraudulent elections. Three major factions became embroiled in these conflicts: pro-slavery forces, abolitionists, and Free-Staters, also known as free soilers, who opposed slavery’s expansion.
“At the same time that white Southerners are coming out to make Kansas a slave state, some of those people are slaveholders themselves,” says Kristen Epps, an associate professor of history at Kansas State University and editor of Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains. “So you have enslaved African Americans coming out as well. Of course, they're wanting freedom, right? They don't want to spread slavery, they don't want to be enslaved themselves and have their children be enslaved.”
Thousands of pro-slavery settlers, known as “Border Ruffians” because so many streamed in from neighboring Missouri, voted in a proslavery congressional delegate in November 1854. Registered voters accounted for just half the ballots. When another election took place in March 1855 to select members of the territorial legislature, the Ruffians once again triumphed. That time around, registered voters cast fewer than half the ballots.
“The elections were a mess,” Etcheson says. “There was real election fraud in Kansas in 1854 up through like 1858 in these territorial elections. The Missourians came over into Kansas and they voted. The census—they’d done a count in early 1855—they knew how many people were in Kansas territory. They knew that there were less than 3,000 adult white men eligible to vote in the territory, but the slavery candidates win with…twice as many votes possible.”
With Kansas in their control, the proslavery state legislature implemented laws that imposed stringent penalties for individuals who spoke out against slaveholding, including hard labor or death for anyone who helped enslaved fugitives. In response to these laws, the Northerners established a Free State legislature in Topeka, resulting in Kansas housing two competing governments. President Franklin Pierce only acknowledged the fraudulent pro-slavery government.
Although Kansas became the national epicenter of the slavery question, most settlers cared more about land ownership than the issue of human bondage. “Free soilers are looking to limit slavery’s expansion, not necessarily for moral or ethical reasons, but really more as a way to limit competition from free Black labor and from slave labor,” Epps says.
Dueling Governments
As the Free Staters, abolitionists and proslavery forces fought for control of Kansas, more outbreaks of violence occurred, including shootouts between the factions, guerilla warfare and the imprisonment of Free-Staters by the federal government, Etcheson says.
These incidents prompted a congressional committee in April 1856 to head to the new home of the pro-slavery government in Lecompton, Kansas. The committee found evidence of widespread election fraud in the territory and determined that most settlers supported a free Kansas. The federal government, however, ignored these findings, and violence continued.
After proslavery forces burned the Free State Hotel in Lawrence on May 21, 1856, among other offenses, abolitionist John Brown and his four sons infamously massacred five slavery supporters at Pottawatomie Creek.
“John Brown is not a typical Free-Stater,” Etcheson says. “He shows up in Kansas late. He doesn't participate in creating the Free State movement. He is not part of this extra legal government. He doesn't much believe in voting anyway. He’s a loose cannon.”
Free-State leaders such as Charles Robinson, an abolitionist and Massachusetts doctor who settled in Kansas, feared the use of violence among his faction would lead the federal government to squash the movement, so Free-Staters initially tried to engage in nonviolent resistance, according to Etcheson. Brown did not represent this ideology with his egregious acts of violence.
Even Congress was not spared from the viciousness associated with Bleeding Kansas. After giving a speech called “The Crime Against Kansas” that called out proslavery senators, including Andrew Butler of South Carolina, Senator Charles Sumner of Massachussetss was savagely caned by Butler's nephew on May 22, 1856.
“It takes him a while to recover and he's not quite himself for a few years after that,” Epps says.