On August 27, 1984, President Ronald Reagan announced that NASA was launching a Teacher in Space Project. Some 11,000 educators applied for the opportunity to fly on board a space shuttle flight, including 36-year-old Christa McAuliffe, a social studies teacher at Concord High School in New Hampshire.
McAuliffe, who was Arab American of Lebanese descent, saw the opportunity as a way to promote her profession and advocate for teachers. She was thrilled to learn the following year that NASA had picked her to be the first teacher in space.
“It's not often that a teacher is at a loss for words,” McAuliffe said after Vice President George H.W. Bush announced her selection on July 19, 1985. Explaining she had become close friends with the other finalists in the program, she said, “When that shuttle goes up, there might be one body, but there's gonna be 10 souls that I'm taking with me.”
On January 28, 1986, students in schools across the country gathered by TVs to watch McAuliffe take off in the Challenger space shuttle. The excitement turned to alarm and horror when the shuttle exploded in the sky 73 seconds into its flight.
The disaster killed all seven crew members, NASA officials eventually faced a damning investigation and students and teachers were devastated by the tragedy. But eventually, American teachers did make it to space, with McAuliffe's pioneering role in the original NASA program as inspiration.
Choosing the First Teacher in Space
Christa McAuliffe was not NASA’s first nontraditional astronaut. By the time she stepped onto the Challenger, NASA had already given political figures seats on space shuttle flights in a bid for publicity and funding. Senator Jake Garn, the Saudi prince Sultan ibn Salman Al Saud and Congressman Bill Nelson (who became NASA administrator in 2021) all went to space on shuttle missions between April 1985 and January 1986.
With the Teacher in Space Project, NASA sought to renew public interest in the U.S. space program—which had lost popularity and funding since the 1969 moon landing—by sending an “ordinary” American into space.
As an applicant, McAuliffe worried that she didn’t have a strong enough scientific background or as many impressive achievements as the other candidates. But according to Kevin Cook, author of The Burning Blue: The Untold Story of Christa McAuliffe and NASA's Challenger Disaster, that wasn’t necessarily what NASA was looking for.
“NASA was looking for someone who would get the public excited about space again,” he says. “They don’t need the most brilliant high school science teacher to go on a space shuttle—they’ve got scientists all over the place. They needed someone who, as one of the participants told me…came across well on the Johnny Carson show.”
After her selection in July 1985, McAuliffe instantly became a national figure, giving interviews and appearing on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson. In many of her interviews, she used her platform to discuss her passion for teaching and promote teachers’ issues.
For several months, McAuliffe trained at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas along with the six other members of her crew and her backup, Barbara Morgan. The experienced astronauts on the crew would do the job of running the shuttle. Her job as a payload specialist was to learn how to live in space, and also practice science lessons that she would teach on camera while up in the space shuttle.
Given the huge popularity of the Teacher in Space Project, NASA decided to announce a Journalist in Space program before McAuliffe had even started her mission. Walter Cronkite, Tom Brokaw, Sam Donaldson and Geraldo Rivera were some of the 1,703 hopefuls who applied for the program by its January 1986 deadline. However, NASA would soon postpone the program following the Challenger disaster.