A tiny villa outside Paris was the unlikely setting for Kissinger and North Vietnamese representative Le Duc Tho to discuss terms for peace. They met a total of 68 times, with Kissinger keeping certain conversations secret even from the President, says Brigham. “Kissinger wanted to make sure the war ended in Paris and not in Saigon. He had very little faith in the Vietnamese armed forces. He understood U.S. Congress didn’t have stomach for the conflict and wanted the U.S. to withdraw without looking like it was an overwhelming defeat,” Brigham says.
The Paris Peace accords leading to a ceasefire in Vietnam were signed on January 27, 1973. To critics, “peace with honor” didn’t look that different from options available when Nixon first took power: “Kissinger and Nixon wasted four years of negotiations with the Vietnamese communists, agreeing to virtually the same peace terms in 1973 that were on the table in 1969,” argues Brigham. In total, 2.5 million to 3 million Vietnamese and other Indochinese and 58,000 Americans died in Vietnam. Hundreds more were missing in action.
In October, Kissinger and Le Duc Tho were named the joint recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize. Only Kissinger accepted; Tho refused the award until “peace is truly established.”
Henry Kissinger and Cambodia
While Nixon publicly favored a policy of Vietnamization, or the withdrawal of U.S. troops so that the South Vietnamese could take over military operations, he secretly escalated the Vietnam War by bombing neighboring Laos and Cambodia. The North Vietnamese transported supplies and arms across the borders of their officially neutral neighbors, and Kissinger saw bombing them as a way to put pressure on Hanoi.
Kissinger was deeply involved in the bombing raids on Cambodia—and in keeping them a secret from Congress and the public. According to a Pentagon report released in 1973, “Henry A. Kissinger approved each of the 3,875 Cambodia bombing raids in 1969 and 1970” as well as “the methods for keeping them out of the newspapers.”
Henry Kissinger's Legacy
In 1973 and 1974, a Gallup poll declared Kissinger “the most admired man in America.” The acclaim was short-lived. The Watergate scandal that led to Nixon’s resignation revealed that Kissinger had ordered the FBI to wiretap the phones of members of the National Security Council to see who had leaked news of the U.S. bombing of Cambodia to the press. By 1975, the communist victory in Vietnam had tarnished the legacy of his 1973 peace efforts.
Though he continued to be a major player in global diplomacy, Vietnam cast a shadow over Kissinger’s career. “The ironic legacy is that Kissinger received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work in the Vietnam War—not a war he ended—and not for the Middle East, the war he did," says Schwartz. "The war he failed in was the war he was acknowledged for."