Several hundred thousand Soviet, Polish, Hungarian and Bulgarian troops invaded Czechoslovakia on August 20. Miles says that East Germany was pulled out of the invasion at the last minute, “because it is perceived in Moscow that in 1968, the image of Germans invading Czechoslovakia is going to be bad,” referring to Nazi Germany’s invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1939.
There was little in the way of armed resistance to the Warsaw Pact invasion, but protesters flooded the streets, some confronting tanks with flowers, taking down street signs to confuse the soldiers, and yelling “Ivan, go home.”
Warsaw Pact troops shot to death more than 100 protesters. The Soviet Union, which implausibly claimed it had come in at the invitation of the Czechoslovakia government, snuffed out the reform experiment. The invading army arrested Dubcek and flew him to Moscow. He returned to Prague on August 27, fighting back tears as he addressed his nation.
“We hope that you will trust us even though we might be forced to take some temporary measures that limit democracy and freedom of opinion,” Dubcek said.
Muted Response From the West
The Soviet-led invasion provoked condemnation from not just the United States and its Western allies, but also other Communist nations such as China, Yugoslavia and Romania. But U.S. President Lyndon Johnson didn’t take any significant action beyond canceling a summit meeting with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev.
That muted response was driven by several factors, including fear of provoking a nuclear war, the goal of getting Soviet help with peace talks in Vietnam, and continuing arms control negotiations with the Soviet Union.
Referring to arms talks with the Soviets, White House press secretary George Christian said, “I don’t know of any change in the president’s very earnest desire to move along any contacts that might be fruitful in that particular area.”
“Underlying the administration’s reaction,” the New York Times reported, “was its view that the East-West line of military confrontation and ideological influence across Europe had long been established, and that neither Washington nor Moscow could move across it without risking World War III.”
The 1968 invasion took place just six years after the Cuban Missile Crisis, which was still fresh in the minds of U.S. officials. And the Johnson administration was hamstrung by the fact that Czechoslovakia, while technically an independent nation, was behind the Iron Curtain and within the Soviet Union's sphere of influence.
Vietnam War, Elections Divert Focus in US
On top of that, Johnson had his hands full with the Vietnam War, which he was desperately trying to wind down before his term ended as president in a few months. LBJ had announced earlier in the year he wouldn’t seek re-election.
The invasion took place in the midst of a heated U.S. presidential campaign, just days before the tumultuous Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Political analysts viewed the Soviet aggression as a boon to Republican presidential candidate Richard Nixon, a longtime anti-Communist hawk.
But while Nixon condemned the invasion and said that people who value freedom should demand the troops’ removal, he didn’t call for any forceful U.S. response. And key sentences from his statement strikingly echoed Johnson’s. For example, Johnson said that the invasion “shocks the conscience of the world,” while Nixon called it “an outrage against the conscience of the world.”
There was a reason the longtime national figures sounded like they were reading from the same songbook. The night before, LBJ had called Nixon to brief him on the attack, and remind him that “politics stops at the water’s edge,” a transcript of the call shows. Nixon assured the president that “I won’t say a damn word that’s going to embarrass you, you can be sure of that.”
1989 Velvet Revolution Topples Regime