But the brotherhood did leave its share of concrete historic record. Perhaps most fascinating: “The Rule of the Templars,” which outlined a detailed code of conduct governing every aspect of daily life, including clothing (spartan), meals (mostly silent), sleeping arrangements (austere), social restrictions (ample). There’s a good-sized section on penance, which was especially important for maintaining the order’s all-important discipline. The first draft, composed in 1129, dictated 68 rules designed to keep Templar knights on a tight leash, reflecting their vows of poverty, chastity and especially obedience. As the order grew bigger, more wealthy and more militarized, its disciplinary code expanded to several hundred rules and became increasingly complex.
Written in Latin and French by various authors over the course of a century and a half, the original rules documents no longer exist. But they are known through subsequent translations.
And what happened to knights when the rules weren’t followed? According to the code, comeuppance ranged from corporal punishment to losing one’s habit (knight’s robes) to banishment from the brotherhood. Lesser infractions sometimes required the sinner to eat his meals on the floor.
Below, a few of the more notable Templar rules:
Templar Mealtime Rules
Two to a bowl
*Because of the shortage of bowls, the brothers will eat in pairs, so that one may study the other more closely, and so that neither austerity nor secret abstinence is introduced into the communal meal. And it seems just to us that each brother should have the same ration of wine in his cup.
Meat in moderation
*It should be sufficient for you to eat meat three times a week, except at Christmas, All Saints, the Assumption, and the feast of the twelve apostles. For it is understood that the custom of eating flesh corrupts the body.
No leaving the table—unless it’s a real emergency
*If the brothers are eating at table and any of them suffers a nosebleed, or the war cry is raised, or there is a fire or the horses are unsettled, to avoid harm to the house, they may get up from the table without permission, for all these things, and then return to eating at the table if they wish.
When in the proverbial doghouse, eat on the floor
*While a brother is on penance…when he eats, he should sit on the ground before the household.
Napkin use: It’s complicated
*On Good Friday, all the brothers should fast on bread and water and eat without a napkin; moreover, the tables should be washed before the bread is put on them; and brothers of the Temple should eat without a napkin on no other day unless it is in penance on the floor, for then should eat on a piece of his mantle and without a napkin.
Templars Eschewed Fashion Finery
Wearing chastity on your sleeve
*All brothers’ habits should always be of one color, that is, white or black or brown. And we grant all knight brothers in winter and in summer, if possible, white cloaks…so that those who have abandoned the life of darkness will recognize each other to being reconciled to their creator by the sign of the white habits: which signifies purity and complete chastity.
Keeping it humble
*These robes should be without finery and without any show of pride…No brother will have a piece of fur on his clothes…And if any brother out of feeling of pride or arrogance wishes to have as his due a better and finer habit, let him be given the worst.
Forbidden footwear
*We prohibit pointed shoes and shoe-laces and forbid any brother to wear them… For it is manifest and well known that these abominable things belong to pagans.
Warm-weather alternatives
*Among the other things, we mercifully rule that, because of the great intensity of the heat which exists in the East, from Easter to All Saints, through compassion and in no way as right, a linen shirt shall be given to any brother who wishes to wear it.
The well-dressed head
*No brother may wear a hood on his head. No brother may wear a coif without a cloth cap.
Of horses, humility and hand-me-downs
*We utterly forbid any brother to have gold or silver on his bridle, nor on his stirrups, nor on his spurs. If it happens that a harness is given to him in charity which is so old that the gold or silver is tarnished, that the resplendent beauty is not seen by others nor taken pride in them: then he may have them.
Take care of it…or lose it
*No brother should hang his mantle round his bed on hooks, for each brother is obliged to honor his habit.
*If a brother tears or gives back his habit willingly, he should not recover it for a year and a day.