
The 1950s in America saw a post-World War II economic boom, the dawn of the Cold War and a burgeoning of the civil rights movement. With the help of the G.I. Bill, many (mostly white) returning U.S. veterans drove demand for suburban homes, new cars and other consumer goods. But the decade also brought great conflict and division, as Black Americans increasingly organized to fight discrimination and as the crusade against communism intensified both at home and abroad in the Korean War.

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Elizabeth Eckford on her first day of school. She was one of the nine students whose integration into Little Rock’s Central High School was ordered by a Federal Court following legal action by NAACP.

Bettmann/Getty Images

Elizabeth Eckford on her first day of school. She was one of the nine students whose integration into Little Rock’s Central High School was ordered by a Federal Court following legal action by NAACP.

Bettmann/Getty Images

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Flashback: What Makes A Good Party?

House parties in 1950s didn't really look like those you go to today. This flashback looks at how teenagers had fun in a much simpler time.

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